Friday, December 14, 2007

Karunanidhi's pal spreading "Love" in Bihar

"People getting baptized every day and so the churches established in faith and increasing in numbers every day there's a rapid growth in churches and more than 50,000 people are baptized and more than 500 churches are planted among 500 odd villages."...........................
They no longer fear deadly diseases. And they no longer offer sacrifices to pagan gods...........................
"Twenty years ago they were into drunkenness worshipping demons and spirits," Sargunam said. "Now they worship the true and living God. So naturally you know, since they no longer worship the demons and spirits their face lit up."...............................
"When the harvest ripe and ready to be harvest the word of God says immediately put the sickle," Ezra Sargunam said. "You see what I mean? Because the people who are responsive today may not be responsive tomorrow."
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I see exactly what you mean, christist hyena. Aren't there laws in India to contain hate speech like this? Or are those reserved for use only when one of the Semitic cults decides to feel aggrieved. And these "fathers" have the audacity to bleat "persecution" before the world when Hindus react to undisguised cultural denigration and unadulterated hate. What a perverted mind that deliberately seeks out miseries for targeted "soul harvesting". So much for the fig leaf of "christian service" and "philanthropy". As Jerry Seinfeld famously said, "there's good naked and bad naked". This is clearly "bad naked"; the fig leaf of "Charity" is off and the sight of naked christist aggression is ugly.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

A rare good post on Prem panicker's blog
If you want to know how moronic a secular can get, read the posts of zrahul..hilarious..
