Friday, December 29, 2023

India’s Strong Message to Washington via Moscow

If the US is willing to jeopardize its relationship with India over Pannu and over Trudeau's immature theatrics, then it's really not a relationship that India should pursue over all others. It's okay to be friendly to the extent the US is reciprocative, but that's it. America's own actions have demonstrated that this not a partnership. India should not overvalue the relationship when Washington undervalues it.

Sunday, December 24, 2023

South Carolina Moment: Is Vivek Ramaswamy Why US Establishment Has Suddenly Turned Hostile to India?

In the South Carolina debates for the Republican primary of the 2016 US presidential race, Trump famously responded to jabs from NeoCon opponent Jeb Bush, by blasting his brother George W Bush for having wrecked the country with the ill-conceived and ill-managed invasion of Iraq. This stirred a hornet's nest among the NeoCons, who had been counting on riding Jeb's coattails back to power in the Whitehouse, having pumped billions into his presidential campaign for this purpose.

In a possible repeat of history, in the latest Republican primary debate, upstart challenger Vivek Ramaswamy similarly blasted NeoCon opponent Nikki Haley of South Carolina as "Dick Cheney in heels", calling her a corrupt Bush-Cheney warmonger and servant of the military-industrial complex. This looks to have again stirred a hornet's nest among the NeoCons, who've been backing Nikki 's run for the Whitehouse, hoping to ride her coattails back into power, and use her as a vehicle for a new war against Iran.

The sudden unexpected outbreak of war between Israel vs Hamas & Hezbollah, has produced sudden shifts in the dynamics of the US presidential race. Suddenly multiple large billionaire donors are switching away from backing Ron DeSantis (who'd been the 2nd-highest polling candidate and rival to Trump), to instead backing Nikki Haley. This is happening because the wealthy elites in America are now suddenly feeling a strong imperative for war on Iran, and NeoCon Nikki is seen as the best route to making this happen. (As we know, Iran is the main source of funding/support for both Hamas and Hezbollah.) Even Zelensky, the previous darling of US establishment for carrying out their war on Russia, is now being told to bide his time and perhaps even seek talks with Putin. American warmongers are now quietly running away from war with Russia, and towards their newer preferred war with Iran -- much as they'd quickly ran away from Afghanistan so that they could quickly start their newer preferred war on Russia.

What does this have to do with India? "Oppo Research" (aka. dirt-digging) done by the contestants in this current US presidential race has unearthed instances of Vivek Ramaswamy praising Modi, and has been used to claim Vivek is "right-wing Modi hindutva fascist". (Note that in contrast to Nikki Haley, Vivek Ramaswamy does not attempt to hide his Indian roots and faith) Therefore any opportunity to vilify Modi can be used as an attack vector against troublemaker Vivek Ramaswamy. Showing India's ruling govt as a rogue regime engaged in assassinations and other nasty stuff is then useful and timely. In a similar vein, Lefty bastion BBC deliberately ran their hit-piece against Modi ("The Modi Question") because they were hoping to use it to cast aspersions against the non-Lefty brown guy who'd just moved into 10 Downing Street.

The prime concern of America's warmongering elites right now is to get their war-horse Nikki into the Whitehouse, so that they can get their war on Iran. Joe Biden's Dhritarashtra presidency has now run its course, having served its purpose in bringing war against Russia. He'll be discarded in due course, with a seamless switchover to NeoCon Nikki as the next president from the Republican side - just like surefootedly shifting from one foot to the other.

Their main obstacle has been Donald Trump, who of course has been bogged down with every kind of legal case being filed against him. But Vivek Ramaswamy has increasingly emerged as a new thorn in the side, with his spirited defense of Trump, and his recent raining of fire on NeoCon Nikki, the preferred new war-horse candidate of the war lobby.

Skeptics will claim "But we India! We so big! We so impressive! No foreigners will mess with us just because of their own silly election politics! Don't be ridiculous paranoid!" The fact is that foreigners are not as in awe of India as we imagine them to be. Even lightweight Trudeau in lightweight Canada is easily willing to sacrifice relations with us for the sake of domestic political fortunes. In the case of US politics, their big money lobbies are very powerful and are playing for very high stakes. They strongly intend to get their war on Iran, and anyone even vaguely seen as standing in their way will be swept aside, howsoever crudely and regardless of the collateral damage to others.