Monday, November 28, 2005

guardian: pedophilia, scandal hits largest catholic congregation in the world, brazil

nov 27th

i suppose this is the same in india as well. shocking, 10% of the
priests are sexual predators. and in this instance they are
heterosexual, not gay as in the us.,,1651313,00.html

still, children, and 'vulnerable people' -- read poor or helpless
people, esp women in institutions like nunneries or orphanages where
they are totally at the mercy of the patriarchal authority figures --
are being violated by these people. it is a sin. god will not forgive
these people for violating the trust placed in them by children and
vulnerable women.

hard to believe these are men of faith. as a theist, i find these
people abominable. the creator of the universe will judge them harshly
(if, as they claim, there is a judgment day when you have to pay for
your sins).

i have mentioned the sister abhaya case, the madatharuvi murder case
in kerala in both of which priests/nuns were involved. nuns
periodically surface, usually drowned, in wells. in the madatharuvi
case (it was in the 60s) some priest was i think convicted of
murdering his girlfriend.

some time ago, a vatican document confessed that priests,
missionaries, bishops etc often were involved in the sexual
enslavement of nuns and the cover-ups thereof.

interesting how the christists cover up endemic sexual predation; the
maoists cover up disease, catastrophes etc. i wonder if there is some
hidden symbolic meaning behind this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Christist pastor rapes female inmate at Devine retreat center in Kerala. Christist police and govt. authoities as usual, trying to cover it up since Christists are above law in Kerala: