Thursday, August 13, 2020

will erdogan go nuclear?

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From: Jai Menon
Date: Tue, Aug 11, 2020 at 11:28 AM
Subject: Re: standard trope: modi is whoever you hate. latest is erdogan


karyakarta92 said...

A disturbing thought. Our eternal civilizational enemy, Pakistan may have already transferred nukes to Turkey, the illegitimate progenitors of ISIS!
The thermonuclear weapon that North Korea
tested may have been a Paki design!
Pakis have sold weapon blueprints and centrifuges for Uranium enrichment to Iran in the past. Now, all these rogue Jihadist states
are coming together in a dangerous alliance fathered by Communist China. Along with a Taliban ruled Afghanistan, that would be a formidable and potent alliance of dangerous rogue states - all physically contiguous - Turkey, Iran, Af-Pak, China, North Korea.
Yankee stupidity has armed them to the teeth with modern weaponry.
They should be destabilized by stoking
Arab - Persian - Turk, Shia - Sunni rivalries and paying lipservice to the cause of the Turkic Uighurs. The open Israel - UAE rapprochement which existed covertly in the past - is a good step in that direction.

karyakarta92 said...

Islamofascist Turkey is behaving like the erstwhile Caliphate and intervening across the extended West Asia - Central Asia region! They recently deployed Turkish Air force F-16’s to Azerbaijan and threatened to bomb Armenia’s nuclear power reactor. The Turks may believe they (and not the Arabs) are true legatees of Islam. Turkey-Iran-Pakistan-Taliban-Malaysia-China-North Korea would be a truly potent axis of evil threatening world peace! The alliance has many inherent contradictions, though and may not go according to the fantasies in Imrand Khan’s half bald head!

karyakarta92 said...

A couple of days ago, Islamofascist Turkey violated Greek airspace no less than 45 times! They’re behaving like an unrestrained rogue state now - on par with Communist China. What is curious is why Turkey is still allowed to remain in NATO.
Turkey fathered the ISIS just like Pakistan fathered the Taliban - with a wink and a nod from Barack Hussein Obama.
During their intervention in Syria, Turkey shot down a Russian air force fighter aircraft - then, shot down a Russian helicopter that was searching for the downed fighter pilot and lunched the rescue helicopter crew. Despite that, Russia is selling the
S-400 air defense system to Turkey! What gives?
Barack Hussein Obama’s economic sanctions on Russia forced them into China’s arms and now into Jihadist Turkey’s arms too! There must be a huge scandal here..