Tuesday, August 18, 2020

innovation in maps, again

congress MLA shanimol usman from aroor, kerala, comes up with a novel innovation in maps. no doubt a followup to china, pak, nepal cartographic assaults.

india without kashmir is old hat.

india without kerala is new and exciting. 

btw, there have been explicit demands for an RoP majority state aka 'malabaristan' to be carved out of the northern districts of kerala such as kasaragod, malappuram, kozhikode. 

there was also a viral video recently of some commie journalist named bhasurendra babu (never heard of him before) on a zoom call advocating that kerala secede from the 'hindu rashtra'. 

but this is the first time an india without all of kerala has been mooted publicly. 

showing the map of india with incorrect boundaries is a non-bailable and serious offense in india. but no matter, some people are above that law. eg. teesta setalvad had a distorted map on india (sans kashmir) on her communalism wombat site for years, but she never got punished for it. 

my take on cartographic terrorism: https://rajeevsrinivasan.substack.com/p/cartographic-terrorism

sent from xiaomi redmi note 5, so please excuse brevity and typos

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