- Tata’s super app: Step aside Amazon, you could soon order ‘everything’ using Tata’s super app.
Over 2,000 online sellers file antitrust case against Amazon in India. - Big economies in crisis: The clear outlier among major economies is China, which catapulted into recovery mode in the second quarter
At -23.9%, India's GDP contracts for first time in over four decades . - State Media Poll: Nearly 50% of Chinese think India is too economically dependent upon China, an assessment many Indians would agree with. . . . Well, history debates consume our lives
- VPNs provide backdoor entry for banned Chinese apps: Even as the govt banned 59 Chinese apps, including the popular TikTok and Camscanner, many people have been downloading and using them through the VPNs.
- Amol Yadav: Plane built on Mumbai rooftop takes to the skies
- 'The Chinese air force is no threat': You see, it is not about numbers here, it is the qualitative edge we have over them that will make a difference. Which brings me to the point of Rafale versus the Su-30/MiG 29. We have almost 250 plus of these and are increasing their strength with new purchases to make good the earlier losses. In my opinion, if we had a trade-off possible, we could do with a 100 odd Rafales rather than the older technology. In today's war, it is the side which has technical superiority which is at an advantage. Technology is a force multiplier. It allows you to fire the magic bullet to get through the door first. Once you have broken in, it is a matter of time before you would have put out China's front tier airfields and air defence.
- China Launches Warship for Pakistan Navy: China has launched the first of four “most advanced” warships it is building for Pakistan amid deepening defense and economic ties between the two allied nations.
- India selects RISC-V for self-sufficiency contest: Startups encouraged to get busy with open-source 32-bit Shakti, 64-bit Vega. Indian officials acknowledge it's all the start of a rather longer
effort to both enhance the nation’s semiconductor design and
manufacturing capabilities and an ecosystem to make it all happen and
meet India’s desire for silicon self-sufficiency.
How a Silicon Valley chip pioneer landed in China - Make the most of your online learning: Do not think about finishing the course! Just think about putting in the time: Good online learners use processes that involve putting a certain daily amount of time into their chosen course. Your daily goal is always to put in the time you’ve allotted, whether it’s five minutes or five hours. This means never missing an “X” on your calendar, signifying you’ve done your day’s studies. -Barbara Oakley
- Speculative bubble: No sales but 4,300% gain in firm amid penny stock boom. Retail investors’ frenzy over small stocks in India has reached such extremes that shares of some companies that aren’t booking any sales, let alone profits, are going through the roof.
Monday, August 31, 2020
Quick notes: Super app | Amol Yadav...
Saturday, August 29, 2020
Rebuttal to Kamala from a Kashmiri Hindu American
Friday, August 28, 2020
abe might resign today: says nikkei
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Chinese Diplomats Helped Military Scholars Visiting the U.S. Evade FBI Scrutiny, U.S. Says - WSJ
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
why wikipedia is a joke
v anantha nageswaran in mint: 'Does America risk repeating a historic post-war error it made?'
4 min read . Updated: 24 Aug 2020, 09:03 PM ISTV. Anantha Nageswaran
An overestimated Soviet threat may have set off the Cold War but China's quest for hegemony is real
I started reading Daniel Yergin's Shattered Peace during the lockdown. The book is about how and why the Cold War started. It is fascinating just to go back and read about how World War II was brought to an end. Then US President Harry Truman made a decision to drop the bomb, which was calculated to save at least 500,000 American lives. He was in office because Franklin Roosevelt had passed away within three months of being re-elected as president and after having agreed to a post-war global arrangement of "great powers" with Britain's Churchill and Russia's Stalin at Yalta.
Roosevelt had so personalized his conversations with the other two major powers that Truman was out of depth upon becoming president. The vice-president had been in the dark about Roosevelt's thinking. Harry Hopkins, a foreign policy advisor who was in the know, too died in January 1946. In the absence of the architects who had tried to fashion a new super-power working arrangement, American foreign policy fell back on comfortable inter-war core beliefs and views. It is also possible that, implicitly or otherwise, Americans felt no need for its war-time allies, with Germany having been defeated and nuclear weapons at hand.
... rest deleted for copyright reasons
how the chinese are bribing and coercing smart people everywhere
lefties are freaking delirious about kamala
possibly the US' most influential economist: raj chetty
indian woman's artwork to be on the moon
Fwd: Joe Biden: Letter from FISI
From: A Adityanjee
Monday, August 24, 2020
Quick notes: Desi apps | Hindi imposition...
- Indian TikTok copycats no match to the real deal: Indian rip-offs of TikTok still have to get the basics right —a tough feat considering the lack of expertise in short-video in the country... The interface and functionality of most of these apps were so similar to TikTok that it was clear that none of them had a truly distinct vision that would offer users something new and keep them loyal in the long-run.
- Devouring Nepal? China occupying land in 7 border districts, says Nepal Survey Department
- 1962 redux? Modi-Doval vying for Jawaharlal Nehru-award for Tibet strategy... "India is capable of giving a befitting response to Chinese aggression". That's about it.
- Flying Gripen, Thailand Beat Down China's Air Force: Over the final three days of the war game, the Thais killed 22
Chinese jets and lost three of their own. The final tally for the
exercise favored the Thai air force. The Gripens shot down 42 J-11s
while the J-11s shot down just 34 Gripens.
- Impose local language on migrants: Hindi migrants to non-Hindi states should learn local language, not the other way round. Regional language should have primacy.
- Cost of Bengaluru's traffic jams has a number: Bengaluru's notorious traffic congestion is taking a toll on health and productivity, with each of its residents losing an average Rs 52,264 per year on medication and for measures taken to avoid the congestion.
- Karnataka mathematics teacher wins national award: Yakub made a whopping 300 videos on teaching maths in a simple way by demystifying its complex concepts and uploaded them on YouTube to make them accessible to the students.. . . Basavaraj Sungari: Karnataka teacher uses augmented reality tools to make online science lessons interactive
One, PLA will not budge from its 1959-60 claim line in Ladakh as new LAC. Two, India cannot forcefully evict it from occupied territories. Three, PLA deployments in TAR are permanent. Four, PLA & PM interoperability has increased. Now look for own options? https://t.co/DM3Dydfxyl
— Pravin Sawhney (@PravinSawhney) August 22, 2020
Unfortunately, a rich language of Rajasthani which traces its history from 800 AD has been reduced to a dialect of Hindi. Our cultural identity is being compromised through Hindi imposition. The Government should instill the value of respecting various lang.#StopHindiImposition
— Bhavyansh Singh Mewar ભવ્યાંશ સિંહ મેવાડ (@Bs_mewar) August 19, 2020
Marathi in Maharashtra ✅
— अण्णा అన్నా (@MeeAnna_) August 23, 2020
Hindi in Maharashtra ❌
Remove Hindi Chindi from Maharashtra and if possible also from India. #2LangPolicy
Saturday, August 22, 2020
“Brahminical Patriarchy”, inherent “Hindu racism” and all that BS.
Politically Correct BS has fully penetrated into India. A few months into the Covid pandemic, I had watched a “Hindi” movie “Bhoomi” starring Aditi Rao Hydari (because, I was bored, had run out of reading material, movies to watch, etc. had a thing for her, and thought that she is a genuinely good actress i.e. before being enlightened about her participation in the anti-CAA cacophony!)
The character played by Aditi Rao Hydari questions her father played by Sunjay Dutt about a verse in a Hindi Arti to Lord Ganesha: “Baanjhan ko Putra det, Nirdhan ko Maya”.
that superficially, (more on that in a second) translates to
“Lord Ganesha grants a son to those without offspring; Wealth to the poor” etc.
Her question is effectively:
“Why does Lord Ganesha grant ONLY a SON and Why NOT a DAUGHTER?”
The Deracinated, Dumbass Dad isn’t able to answer his daughter’s question. Even in real life, I would estimate that 80-90% of Hindu, HINO dads would not be able to satisfactorily answer such a malicious
line of questioning.
See how deliberately mischievous and malicious the dialogue is. It sows discord and creates conflict where absolutely none exists. This is the typical modus operandi of the missionary!
The scene is suggesting that Hinduism itself is patriarchal, discriminates against and oppresses women etc. which is far from the truth.
And, it is rather ironic considering that Aditi Rao Hydari, Sunjay Dutt, the movie director et al are all BIOLOGICALLY HALF MUSLIM and 100% cultural Muslims!
Mullah-Missionary-Maoist-Macaulayite are deliberately defaming gentle, Mother Goddess worshipping Sanatana Dharma - to further their sinister agenda of destroying India from within!
Even more ironic given how their genital obsessed ideologies invented the most evil oppression of women -Triple Talaq, Nikah Halala, FGM to name a few! Can/ Will #Brothelwood make movies on those topics?
To understand what “PATRIARCHY” really is, READ what Christianity did to HYPATIA, the great Egyptian spiritualist, philosopher and scientist when Christianity conquered Egypt and destroyed the great library of ALEXANDRIA!
If you are unable to READ, then WATCH the Hollywood movie “AGORA” (about 2 hours) that depicts a sanitized version of that history!
HYPATIA is a symbol for all the women who were
branded witches, enslaved and destroyed by Christianity, especially during its expansion among non-Christist, pagan cultures.
The simple answer to the stupid question is:
1) “Putra” is just a generic Sanskrit term for “offspring” or “progeny” and does not necessarily denote “Male” or “Female”.
2) On a civilizational scale of time, that Arti to Lord Ganesha in Hindi is probably of very recent vintage, composed probably within the last 70 years and may be less known outside the Hindi speaking states.
It may have some contemporaneous context -
the 1300 year long history of sexual aggression and enslavement by Islamic invaders, especially in Northern India - and in the aftermath of the mass rapes and forcible conversion of Hindu women to Islam - that accompanied the partition of India in 1947 - wherein a girl child could have been a potential liability from the security point of view -
and a male child a potential asset.
Whereas, Sanatana Dharma has a timeless antiquity of 20,000 years at a minimum.
It has produced great female scholar Rishis of unparalleled intellect like GARGI, MAITREYI to name just two.
It is not as if the said Arti originated from the Vedas, Puranas etc.
3) Even if some cunning Christist missionary can somehow manufacture fake evidence that the Arti originated from the Vedas and therefore Sanatana Dharma oppresses women, remember that Hinduism is NOT a “RELIGION”! It is not constrained by any dogma, book, church or prophet!
Hinduism is a way of SELF REALIZATION and spiritual growth that is inherently FLEXIBLE, amenable to self learning and correction, if and when necessary.
Try asking counter questions to the Mullah-Missionary-Maoist about their own truly HORRIBLE record of racism and oppressing women, and see how far that debate goes - if at all a dialogue can even be commenced!
P.S how semi/fractionally literate Hindu women without intellect are so vulnerable to propaganda. This is the filth that is propagated on Social Media and especially in Brothelwood etc.
This is what many of us face at home as well.
I’m waiting for some malicious scoundrel at the NY Times, Harvard or UC Berkeley to conjure a derivation out of his rear that: “because Chess has its origin in India - Hindus invented racism. Chess is merely a metaphor for racism which is intrinsic to Hinduism”.
BTW, some moron has already hypothesized
that the game of Chess is racist - because it has Black and White pieces and the White piece moves first!!! Seriously, I’m not making that up! P.S
These ignorant and perverted morons should know that many of our Hindu deities are dark skinned. Pertinently,
1) The many forms of Krishna, whose name itself means “the dark one”.
2) Maa Kali, a ferocious form of the Mother Goddess who is dark and whose name also literally means “the black female”.
3) Many representations of Shiva depicting him as dark skinned.
Friday, August 21, 2020
virus is chinese-engineerd? not sure how credible this is, but IITD had a paper out in feb saying this
old bromide about "missing women" in india being recycled again
Kamala tear jerker: this is getting interesting
Apparently, Kamala made some token references to her Indian heritage in her DNC speech. I wonder why, at this stage - when she has disowned the Indian half of her heritage throughout her public life?
Someone brutally analyzed it and attributed it
fund raising, i.e. to the relative affluence of the Hindu American Vs. the African American communities.
Her nod to her Indian roots has struck an emotional chord among several ladies of Tamil origin in the USA. Perhaps understandable. Desis are emotional people always looking for small gestures of acknowledgement.
Be that as it may, what caught my attention was the reaction from the socialite Padma Lakshmi, who was supposedly “moved to tears” just by the word “Chithi” (Tamil word for aunt).
Interesting. Because, Padma - like Deequack Chopra, has traditionally been known for taking a dump on India.
Her last most famous “tear jerker” performance was narrating her sob story on CNN in the immediate aftermath of the Nirbhaya incident in December, 2012 - literally in tears and effectively portraying India as the most oppressive patriarchal society in the world and ALL Indian (read Hindu) males as perverts inclined to perpetrate rape.
Her command performance on prime time cable news had the effect of contributing to a negative stereotype and defaming Indian males around the world.
I recall going to my kid’s regular sports practice around that time and the usually friendly American women (other parents) immediately looking away with fear, shock, disgust etc. at my very sight -
with their expression saying out loud “gasp, what do we have here? A barbaric Indian male!”
This was their demeanor every day for a couple of weeks until “Christmas” break - after which they would’ve forgotten all about it during their holiday celebrations.
Well, the only “Chithi” that is likely
to consistently strike that kind of emotional chord in me - is the famous Filmi Ghazal from the 1980’s
immortalized by Pankaj Udhas:
“Chithi Aayee hai, Watan se Chithi Aayee hai”
that roughly translates to:
“A letter has arrived from the home country...”
and poignantly describes the situation
back home after a prodigal NRI son has left for foreign shores, in all probability for good.
Thursday, August 20, 2020
apparently a comprehensive american perspective on china, aug 2020
why is there no fish in the sea off india?
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
How the Church uses “Dalits” as cannon fodder
Good read. Incisive essay, as always by Koenrad Elst.
BTW, I prefer not to use the words "Dalit" and "Adivasi".
Both are deliberately mischievous Church constructs with dangerous connotations for India's unity.
Use the word "Harijan" (possibly among Ghandy's one or two positive contributions) and "Vanvasi" when using Indic languages and the constitutionally correct terms "Scheduled Caste" and "Scheduled Tribe" otherwise.
Government of India also recently realized the mischief potential of malicious and motivated foreign origin terminology and mandated in its order of 2019 to use only "SC" and "ST" in all official communications.
Western libel against “Caste” to exculpate their own racism!
A scholarly Review by Aravindan Neelakandan of Isabel Wilkerson’s mischievous book on “Caste”.
The vicious anti Hindu propaganda of the BreakingIndia forces is reaching a resonating crescendo! This is quite a masterfully well orchestrated symphony!
The demonization of the Brahmins is comparable to the medieval caricature of the Jewish people by the Church and nothing short of incitement to genocide!
The target, in reality is Hinduism itself and the existence of India as a sovereign entity.
Brahmins are euphemistically attacked because they are the custodians of an ancient, living, non proselytizing, non Abrahamic tradition and are a soft target that all others (including and especially, deracinated, anglicized individuals born into Brahmin families) have been systematically indoctrinated over the ages into hating.
Jack Dorsey, CEO of Twitter and, incidentally hailing from a long lineage of Christist clergymen - got away with perpetrating a lacerous attack on Hinduism while physically present ON Hindu soil - posing for a photo with a bunch of seditious anti-nationals holding a poster screaming "SMASH BRAHMINICAL PATRIARCHY!" - because , he used the age old stratagem of attacking the bogeyman of "Brahminism" and avoided directly targeting Hinduism, per se.
Government of India summoned Dorsey to appear before a Parliamentary panel for questioning, but a junior India representative of Twitter was sent instead and that was the end of the matter.
BTW, What business does someone like Oprah Winfrey have to peddle the negative stereotype of “Caste, Cows and Curry” regarding Hinduism?
Is it really just plain stupidity and ignorance OR can it be ascribed to contempt and malice?
Oprah Winfrey is not exactly known to be a “scholar” on any topic in particular! 🙂 However, her ignorant & misinformed opinion will end up being disseminated widely and digested by fractionally literate HINO's in India (who eagerly lap up, fully ingest, digest and then regurgitate - any excrement emanating out of the West with great alacrity - as a "chic" fashion statement)!
Endorsements by celebrities like Oprah impart a certain momentum of their own and can prove catalytic towards the end goals of the BreakingIndia project.
Consider, for instance why the University of California, Berkeley (effectively America’s equivalent of JNU) has an ACRPR (Armed Conflict Resolution and People’s Rights project) that is focused on studying a (as yet, hypothetical) Civil war scenario in India.
Hindu Swastika != Nazi Hakenkreuz
Now, I always knew that the Hindu Swastika had absolutely nothing to do with the Nazi supremacist symbol and suspected that the Nazis had indulged in the practice of "cultural appropriation".
After all, the global Church has perfected cultural appropriation/digestion - across the globe, right from its inception.
The Church’s demonization of the Jewish people over two millennia and the Vatican’s culpability in the holocaust itself, including money laundering for the Nazis and facilitating the escape of Nazi war criminals to South America are (well known, if you care to read) historical facts.
A few years ago, I learned that the Nazi symbol was actually a German Christian Teutonic Hakenkreuz, a “hooked cross”, i.e. NOT a Swastika at all!
Thanks to Rakesh Krishnan Simha’s scholarly endeavour, we now learn that Hitler NEVER (as in NOT a single time) even originally used the term “Swastika” in German and the “credit” for the linguistic fraud goes to Irish Catholic priest James Vincent Murphy, who in 1939 published the first complete English translations of Mein Kampf - deliberately mistranslating the original and maliciously injecting “Swastika” out of thin air - with the end goals of absolving the Church's culpability AND defaming Hinduism!
A truly cunning sleight of hand ("Christist miracle"?), one must admit! It has taken over 80 years to even discover this fact! How long will it take to cleanse all the libelous allegations thrown against Hinduism?
As Swami Vivekananda famously said, addressing the West:
"If all of India stands up and takes all the mud that is at the bottom of the Indian Ocean and throws it up against the Western countries, it will not be doing an infinitesimal part of that which you are doing to us."
America closes the last loophole in its hounding of Huawei
From: The Economist today <newsletters@e.economist.com>
Date: Wed, Aug 19, 2020 at 2:33 AM
Subject: America closes the last loophole in its hounding of Huawei
Fwd: XV Conference on Public Policy and Management
Dear All
The XV Conference on Public Policy and Management will be held between 24th and 26th August 2020. Attached is the Schedule for the conference.
The conference will be inagurated by Justice Madan B Lokur, former Judge, Supreme Court of India. This will be on 24th August 2020 at 0900 Hrs. The registration link for the inagural session is as follows
There will be a special discussion with Professor Barbara Harriss White and Mekhala Krishnamurthy on the 25th August 2020 at 1830 Hrs. The registration for this session is as follows:
The valedictory address will be delivered by Dr. Soumya Swaminathan, Chief Scientist, WHO on the 26th August 2020 at 14.00 Hrs. The registration for this session is as follows:
The conference papers will be presented in two parallel sessions and the registration for these sessions are as follows:
Parallel Session 1: https://iim-b.zoom.us/j/97445717952
Parallel Session 2: https://iim-b.zoom.us/j/96168014371
The details of the papers being presented are in the attached schedule.
Talk TODAY by Professor Ajantha Subramanian at IIMB
From: Chairperson CPP
Date: Tue, Aug 18, 2020 at 4:29 AM
Subject: Talk Tomorrow by Professor Ajantha Subramanian, Harvard University
To: @IIM
Dear all:
As announced earlier, we will be having a talk by Professor Ajantha Subramanian.
The Registration and Zoom Meeting link is: https://iim-b.zoom.us/j/98084227584
The lecture will also be livestreamed on IIMB's YouTube page at: https://youtu.be/jW14m1-63s0
M S Sriram
Chairperson Centre for Public Policy
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the personal toll on indian immigrants of the H1B visa ban
Tuesday, August 18, 2020
Quick notes: Fourth revolution | Chip industry...
- The contest for the Fourth Industrial Revolution: Beijing recognizes, as the US once did, that basic research cannot be supported entirely by the market and the private sector and instead must be supported by the public. China’s investments have been enormous. By some estimates, China’s government-funded R&D also already exceeds U.S. federal R&D spending.
China’s centrality to global manufacturing and supply chains is an enormous strategic advantage; in contrast the US has allowed “the hollowing out of its industrial base” which means it cannot convert its innovations into products without China’s factories. - Beg borrow or steal: China poaches over 100 TSMC Engineers to bolster domestic chip industry. Compensation packages were reportedly two to 2.5 times higher than at TSMC. The Chinese chipmakers not only throw more money at their prospects, but
also offer them the opportunity to grow inside the organization.
A previous Nikkei report revealed that Taiwan has lost over 3,000 chip engineers to China.. Chinese hackers have pillaged Taiwan’s semiconductor industry .... India continues to be a non-player in semiconductor industry but a world-leader in history-debates. - China not withdrawing: The Chinese have refused to vacate Finger area and are saying that they would maintain an observation post with over 30 soldiers around Finger 5.
- US tech giants preparing pushback against India data-curb plan: India's plan to regulate non-personal data is the latest irritant for U.S. tech companies that have been battling tighter e-commerce rules and data storage norms that several countries are also developing.
- Yale Discriminates Against Asian Americans, Whites: Yale University illegally discriminates against Asian Americans and White applicants in undergraduate admissions, the Justice Department told the school in a blistering letter that cited a two-year investigation and demanded the college immediately change its process.
- Gargling lowers viral load: Gargling with mouthwashes might lower spread of COVID-19. The findings "support the idea that oral rinsing might reduce the viral load of saliva and could thus lower the transmission of SARS-CoV-2."
- What did Pakistan do right? Pakistan has removed nearly all of its coronavirus-related lockdowns, citing a sharp decline in new infections and deaths.“Figures show that Pakistan has done better than many other countries in the world.”
- Building A Greenway: Puyangjiang River Corridor, China... not your typical "vikAss"
soros entity takes a big hit: no more 1st amendment FoE rights in US
innovation in maps, again
Monday, August 17, 2020
why xi's china is as brutal as it is: how it relates to the dark prince
happy malayalam new year
'south asian' is nonsense. avoid the term.
Sunday, August 16, 2020
Inaugural article from the new website of Manushi
From: Madhu Kishwar
Dear Pradhan Mantri ji,
The new mantra offered by you: "Be Vocal about Local" is a carry forward of Mahatma Gandhi's insistence on promoting 'Swadeshi'. I join the millions of Indians who have responded to this call enthusiastically.
After hearing your August 15 speech from the ramparts of Red Fort, I feel like sharing some good news with you with regard to the "Triumph of the Local". Given how alert you are, it may not come as a surprise to you. But since you made no mention of this in your speech, I take the liberty of drawing your attention to it.
It should be a matter of great pride for us that during the Corona pandemic, India's local wisdom triumphed over all else in helping millions stay protected from the virus, including those who cannot possibly practice "social distance" because they live in very cramped and overcrowded neighbourhoods in tiny houses.
The media in India has focussed obsessively on the rising graph of Corona infected and the numbers who died. However, for a population size of 130 Crore, this number constitutes a small percentage. The millions who remained protected did so on the strength of local wisdom.
Mortality rate from Corona in India is very low in comparison to global figures.
India has registered one of the lowest deaths per million at 30 as compared to the global average of 91 deaths per million.....
Continued at: https://www.manushi.in/towards-a-better-india/be-vocal-about-local-lets-walk-the-talk-an-open-letter-to-prime-minister-modi