Monday, May 04, 2009

US Troops Proselytizing in Afghanistan

Al-Jazeera has caught American troops proselytizing in Afghanistan. It is absolutely ridiculous for soldiers to be pulling such stunts in a cauldron like Afghanistan, where religion is a powderkeg issue.


Sameer said...

If this is happening in war torn afghanisthan, where Islam the violent religion is in its most violent form, then imagine how these buggers might be making hay (while sun shines, I hope not for a long time) in India, where constitution guarantees freedom of propogation of religion, with a tolerant majority, with poor population, with friendly media, friendly government and where people can be easily lured....

Just wondering... these people are creating irrversable damage to our demography....
Gods save India...

Karmasura said...

They just can't keep their goodness to themselves can they??

Anonymous said...

Why do the English notice a problem with proselytizing in a "deeply religious Islamic state" but not when these vultures prey on innocent tribals and dalits in India? Could it be that English are now deserting the yanks, who are on their way down and casting their lot with Jihadist and Commies?

blogger said...

Racist Brits strike again. Please read "Hindus Religious Rights suppressed in UK".