Friday, May 29, 2009

convict nation killing Hindus - no skin off my back, says manmohan

compare the recent killings of Indians in Australia to the noise made about that Graham Staines blighter. what were these people's fault? it's not like they were pissing on other people's religion and writing about it in a rag called "Tidings" or some such - about the 'satan worshipping hell bounds'.

I suspect that the Hans may be involved. the han-lover Rudd will likely have given them a green pass while pressing his lips to chinese bottom

of course, since the burnt and stabbed are Hindus, Manmohan refuses to lose any sleep.


blogger said...

That SOB wouldn't blink an eye for Hindus.

indian_indian said...

And this is the response of Indians (just like the response of Hindus in India to Muslim aggression) -- articles on how to avoid trouble!

Next, and I am being sarcastic here, rediff might be publishing a piece on "How to avoid Islamist terrorist bombs in India".

Sameer said...

Quite disturbing...
Reading the news... the government reaction (theirs and ours) and the 'opinion' of many which was cowardice and blaming the victims...