meanwhile, there's a concerted campaign against neera tanden and vivek moorthy. not that i am keen on neera, but the fact is that she has a hindu name, and she'll probably not get confirmed.

meanwhile, there's a concerted campaign against neera tanden and vivek moorthy. not that i am keen on neera, but the fact is that she has a hindu name, and she'll probably not get confirmed.
this sameera is the real face of the islamist-inflitrated biden white house. to be precise, she's not the spokesperson, but the deputy director of the national economic council. she's also a member of 'standwithkashmir', a CAIR affiliated islamist group that wants to separate kashmir from india.
in other news of the biden administration, china got US diplomats to bend over and grease up. and now they say they're sorry. i mean if this hadn't happened, it would have been hard to invent it!
"feckless" doesn't even begin to describe it. be bullied by china and pak, and turn around and bully india. how lovely! obama deja vu all over again!
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