Monday, January 04, 2010

indians sold like cattle: not a squeak out of the usual suspects

no hysterical breast beating and calls for the human rights commission - even when the 'oppressed' is - gasp - a muslim.

but since it is the royal family of camel bonkers who are terrorising - all is well. nevermind these pesky stowaways. anyone the camel-bonkers picks on is not human - ergo they have no human rights.

indian labourers in the entire middle east have a life that is as bad as in the Jim Crow south


Anonymous said...

This is solid evidence that Indian muslims are really second class muslims. This exposes the mistaken belief within Indian muslims that all muslims are brothers and will recieve equal treatment. The Arab muslims have never treated non arab muslims as their equal.

If Indian muslims tolerate second class treatment from Arabs, there is no reason why they must not recieve second class treatment in India as well.

venkat said...

Just plagiarized your idea in my blog.