Thursday, January 07, 2010

catastrophe: swaminathan warns about food insecurity

jan 7th, 2010

of course, the ELM has not seen fit to comment on the 500% rise in onion prices. that's because it is on sonia mata's watch.

remember the godawful fuss they made when the price of onions went up under the BJP?


Sujeev said...

How can anything this dude Swaminathan says about Indian agriculture have any credibility, when he was instrumental in selling out both Indian farmers, and agricultural scientists, way back when? His shenanigans were thoroughly exposed by Claude Alvares in this article in the Illustrated Weekly of India in the mid 80s.

Unknown said...

ELM will do what it has to do - it knows which side of the bread is buttered. Also, one who pays the piper calls the tunes.

The bigger problem is India does not have any right of center party. The one that calls itself so is thoroughly compromised. If the BJP is SP's C team in UP, it is Congress's B team at the centre.
Otherwise, why is it that the BJP busybodies who throng the TV studios can not raise these topics? Sometimes it appears that the talking points the BJP spokespersons and BJP's TV studio representatives make are also vetted and approved by Sonia Gandhi and co.

Of course BJP had a chance when it was in power to start an Indian FOX News. Instead of doing that it handed over Murdoch's star to Ananda Bazar Group - known to be hostile to BJP. One thing about Murdoch is he always bats for the people in power. Did n't BJP know how effectively Margaret Thatcher had used Murdoch owned media?

vamanan sight said...

Extreme greed - Rakshasas -- has pounced upon Mother Earth and is raping her, calculating the number of violations as GDP growth. Going this way She is going to be lost in the sea of misery, and will require a redeeming Varaha to
save her...

nizhal yoddha said...

this is worse than i thought. i didn't realize the extent of genetic theft. thanks for the pointer.

but the main point that swaminathan makes is still valid: the kkkangress has destroyed one of india's greatest competitive advantages, that is agriculture.