Saturday, May 30, 2009
who's killing indians in aussie-land?
interesting conference on 'indian management': do submit proposals
astonishing! an actual conference on indian management, and that too held at an institution named after francis xavier! (what, india actually had management before the europeans taught us everything we know?)
and that is bold enough to proclaim that india was an economic superpower until the kind attention of the white christists?
you must absolutely send a submission! i will do so too.
Call for Submissions for the Inaugural Conference of the Indian Academy
of Management (IAOM), to be held at XLRI - Jamshedpur, India, December
28-30, 2009
Indian Management: Past, Present and the Future
The thoughts of Indian management could arouse a collection of scripts
among Indian and international practitioners and researchers that could
range from Rama Rajya, Yudhisthara's rule and Krishna's wisdom; Canakya,
Chandragupta, and Ashoka; Babar, Akbar, and Aurangjeb, Gandhi, Nehru,
and Patel; to Tata, Birla, and Ambani. A country that can boast of
excellence in practically every domain of human endeavor is likely to
have contributed to management thoughts in a significant way. The
inaugural conference of the Indian Academy of Management (IAOM) is
committed to the study and propagation of ideas that capture Indian
management from diverse perspectives (certainly not restricted to
indigenous research initiatives/thought pursued by Indian scholars based
in India but warmly welcome it from overseas as well). We are happy to
announce that Professor Angelo DeNisi (President Academy of Management,
USA) has agreed to be a keynote speaker at the Inaugural Conference of
the IAOM to be held during December 28-30, 2009 at XLRI Jamshedpur. We
invite your involvement and greatly appreciate your support to this
exciting and promising initiative.
We invite papers and symposia that will help showcase the discovery of
aspects of Indian management that have already been researched and are
well established as well as those that need to be addressed and
developed. We hope the conference will further create an opportunity for
a dialogue among Indian and international scholars that will help the
global village address human needs of people from the top to the bottom
of the human economic pyramid. India related management practices are
likely to contribute to this venture in a significant way, and we would
like this conference to set the stage for a meaningful long-term
dialogue among scholars.
India was an economic superpower until 1760, and accordingly led the
world with management ideas and practices. But much of that was lost
with its colonization and the struggle to shed the colonial ideas in the
last 250 years. India is now again emerging as an economic power, and
business schools are focusing on the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, and
China) nations instead of the Triadian market of US, Europe, and Japan.
Thus, it is important to further focus our research energy on Indian
management and reveal about what is unique about Indian management -
good or bad, effective or inefficient, beautiful or ugly.
We hope that this conference will be useful for researchers and
practitioners who are interested in India in general and management
practices related to India both within and outside India in particular.
... rest deleted for brevity, send mail if you want it
Friday, May 29, 2009
DMK: Sethu project will be revived’
From: sri
New Delhi
May 28: Newly sworn-in Cabinet minister M.K. Azhagiri on Thursday has promised to revive the controversial Sethu Samudram which was inaugurated in Madurai by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Sonia Gandhi during the previous UPA regime when T.R. Baalu was the Union shipping minister.
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Pentagon Plans New Arm to Wage Wars in Cyberspace
From: Girish
India needs to develop its own capabilities here: WASHINGTON — The Pentagon plans to create a new military command for cyberspace, administration officials said Thursday, stepping up preparations by the armed forces to conduct both offensive and defensive computer warfare. |
convict nation killing Hindus - no skin off my back, says manmohan
compare the recent killings of Indians in Australia to the noise made about that Graham Staines blighter. what were these people's fault? it's not like they were pissing on other people's religion and writing about it in a rag called "Tidings" or some such - about the 'satan worshipping hell bounds'.
I suspect that the Hans may be involved. the han-lover Rudd will likely have given them a green pass while pressing his lips to chinese bottom
of course, since the burnt and stabbed are Hindus, Manmohan refuses to lose any sleep.
india's future: the ugly reality of nuclear power costs
50% cost overrun (so far) on EPR - the world's premier reactor technology. makes you wonder what the Yankee junk that Manmohan buys will be like. of course you will not see this printed by the twits in the english media in India. they are too busy being paid off by the kickbacks obtained by KKKangress
Some Indian analysts like Swaminathan Aiyar of Swaminomics fame think that cost of nuclear fission reactors will come down as India becomes a manufacturing base. They feel we can do to nuclear reactors, what we have done to software - apply high skills/low cost base to dramatically lower the cost of building reactors. Hence support the Indo-US nuclear deal.
I have my doubts. For one India does not possess a critical mass of scientific/ intellectual/ academic base in reactor construction that it does in software. Even if this does happen - the deal does not immidiately allow us critical technologies like reprocessing spent fuel. In fact - this might lead to dual slavery. We build cheaper reactors for others (e.g. US, Australia and Canada) while they hold us hostage to Uranium shortages.
Incidentally - Brahma Chellaney has been warning for years about the absurd costs of fission, and Manmohan's pipe-dream deal. India is better served investing in indigenous breeder reactors - or better yet solar power
Thursday, May 28, 2009
ndtv: kkkangress shitting in its pants about china
wapo does the india pak equal equal act. sounds just like the bad old democrat days, doesn't it?
India's fate? (comparing argentina and america)
From: Rajan P
...will most likely be the same as that of Argentina
with Kangress at the helm.
musharraf's dog missed again - ISI is safe
it never ceases to amaze me how the 'terrorists' always miss hitting the ISI or musharraf himself when he was head honcho. the bomb always went of two minutes too late - the missile always landed hundred feet to short.
unlike virgin ironpants - she was disposed of with clinical accuracy - no wait - that wasn't the terrorist. yeah right - it was the sun roof. err....... my bad!
PC's new pie in the sky - identity cards
more Chidambaram slick empty promises. you have to hand it to the blighter - the more he fails the more shamelessly he promises. PC has no sense of 'loss of face' - I guess it's because there is no face left to lose
even if this becomes reality - they will likely give it to their vote-bank constituents first - so that all the illegal Bangladeshi's get free rice based on KKKangress provided ID cads. of course - the Paki's will get hold of one and replicate it with teh help of their master Han hackers. PC will then announce that the ID card cannot be hacked. just like the EVM's ...
atlanticist thinks india is among those good for business
Remote Controlling EVMs - Manufacturing Election result
Pakistan: On a Razor's Edge
From: Naresh
Pakistan: On a Razor's Edge
Follow FRONTLINE/World reporter and producer Sharmeen Obaid to her native Pakistan as she investigates the clashes between President Pervez Musharraf, a key U.S. ally, and the increasingly powerful Islamic fundamentalists who oppose him. Obaid visits the scene of the most recent assassination attempt on Musharraf, meets with key military leaders and interviews a clandestine jihadi fighting a holy war in neighboring Kashmir.
watch video >>
BJP at crossroads: Back to basics or irrelevance?
From: AGworld
BJP at crossroads: Back to basics or irrelevance?
Virendra Parekh
25 May 2009
"Many of us, utterly overcome by Tamas, the dark and heavy demon of
are saying nowadays that it is impossible, that India is decayed,
and lifeless, too weak ever to recover; that our race is doomed to
extinction. It is a foolish and idle saying. No man or nation need be
unless he so chooses, no man or nation need perish unless he
chooses extinction" - Aurobindo, "Bhawani Mandir"
kanchan gupta: BJP and ideology
From: Kanchan Gupta
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
14 year Hindu boy brutally murdered, gets his face smashed by mohammedans for 'befriending' their 'sister'
The DNA reported the facts but ignored the 'communal angle'.
If a hindu had done this, this would have been a "brutal honour killing"
"Fahar Sheikh, 21, Farhan Sheikh, 20, and Salim Malabarwala, 20, were arrested for Amandeep's abduction and murder. The trio were final-year Commerce students, while Amandeep was studying in std X in Holy Cross High School, Kurla," said sub inspector RR Sawant of Vinobha Bhave Nagar police station. The blood-stained stone used for the crime has also been recovered.Emphasis added. The moh'dans are laying down the law: Latikas (of slum-kutta fame) wanted to continue our 'islamisation by impregnation', hindus interested in mohammedan women have to cease and desist or will cease to exist.
The cruelty of these monsters boggles the mind.
Of course, no 24-7 news coverage here.
idle chat: "blessed are the cheese-makers"
Could US Credit Fuel India's Rise?
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
rajiv malhotra: Colonialism did not die: It only reinvented itself
From: Ram
May 7, 2009...8:54 pmColonialism did not die: It only reinvented itself
Rajiv Malhotra's brilliant analysis of neo-colonialism and how various tricks are used by Westerners to ensure that Hindu minds remain in a cage even today.
By Rajiv Malhotra
"In the modern planetary situation, Eastern and Western 'cultures' can no longer meet one another as equal partners. They meet in a westernized world, under conditions shaped by western ways of thinking." — W. Halbfass[1]
This essay argues that intellectual svaraj (self-rule) is as fundamental to the long term success of a civilization as is svaraj in the political and financial areas. Therefore, it is important to ask: whose way of representing knowledge will be in control? It is the representation system that defines the metaphors and terminology, interprets what they mean in various situations, influences what issues are selected to focus on, and, most importantly, grants privileges by determining who is to control this marketplace of ideas.
As an implicit body of standards, a representation system disguises a meta-ideology – the substratum of contexts on which specific ideologies emerge and interact. It includes the language used and the unstated frames of reference, and acts as the subliminal filter through which positions are constructed and their fate negotiated.
A people without their own representation system, in a worst case scenario, get reduced to being intellectual consumers looking up to the dominant culture. In the best case scenario, they could become intellectual producers, but only within the representation system as defined and controlled by the dominant culture, such as has happened recently with many Indian writers in English.
Ashis Nandy summarizes how this mental colonialism was brought about:
"This colonialism colonises minds in addition to bodies and it releases forces within colonized societies to alter their cultural priorities once and for all…. Particularly, once the British rulers and the exposed sections of Indians internalized the colonial role definitions….the battle for the minds of men was to a great extent won by the Raj."[2]
The repetitious use of a given representation system eventually leads to a widely accepted set of "essences," as stated by Friedreich Nietzsche:
"The reputation, name, and appearance, the usual measure and weight of a thing, what it counts for — originally almost always wrong and arbitrary — grows from generation unto generation, merely because people believe in it, until it gradually grows to be a part of the thing and turns into its very body. What at first was appearance becomes in the end, almost invariably, the essence and is effective as such."
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China Moving to Replace Dollar with Yuan?
Monday, May 25, 2009
North Korea conducts 2nd Nuclear test
wsj echoes obama's line: india should "draw down", ie abandon kashmir
deepak chopra sucks up to the nehru dynasty
how very convenient: india to become big arms buyer from US, that will be the next headline
more in the "how india is becoming a supplicant to the US" file. this is all part of the obama plan to "declare victory in afghanistan and move on". there will soon be demands for india to send troops to afghanistan to support the 'logistics' deal. and then demands for india to move troops out of kashmir so that pakistan can move troops to afghanistan. in other words, make it easier for terrorists to move in and take over. that is ISI kills some of their own (==taliban) in SWAT, while more ISI (=='kashmiri freedom fighters') walk into kashmir.
btw, very interesting to see hindu-hater krittivas mukherjee who edited this is not anti-US. therefore he is not a communist. so maybe some of my friends who claim the US is the greater enemy of hindus (more than the chinese) are after all correct in the matter.
you still think yanks didn't have a vested interest in doctored EVMs?
ieee computer on systemic fraud possible in electronic voting machines
JM Smith on a web site on the Kidnapping of a Jewish Kid and how it led to revolution.
From: Ga
I do not know who is JM Smith , but he wrote on an Indian web called Satyameva Jayate about a true story and the
necessity to translate it into Indian Languages. The true story is very interesting
Here is the site
See comment 36, 38, 43, 44, Comments by JM Smith. Very good ones.
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letter to outlook from dr vijay r: No hate politics
The Editor
Dear Editor,
Re: your opinion piece ' No Hate Politics (This is India)' in, May 25, 2009.
Disappointing, since it is the typical Indian liberal viewpoint, with even Varun Gandhi thrown in for good measure !
A serious error though, is the equating of the BJP and Hindutva with our 'neighbour's' ideology.
Even for a news magazine one expects more finesse and understanding of the concept of Hindutva, its origin, what it stands for in the BJP philosophy.
However, let me focus on your disclaimer that you are not a sycophant of the Congress, a theme which you refer to repeatedly in articles and tv appearances (the latest on NDTV's The Verdict, May 20,2009).
Your hymn of praise for the Congress seems to ignore the politics of corruption that the Grand Old Party is famous for, more recently from Bofors onwards.
The issues that the BJP raised on a daily basis (and you take them to task for that) are important ones for the nation: swiss money is one example.
The reason that such issues were not brought to the attention of the general public is precisely because the liberal media did not give it sufficient coverage, and not because the BJP was at fault for raising the issue.
I would recommend the excellent analyses on Quatrocci, the Bofors affair, swiss banks etc. in articles by Gurumurthy on his web site :
For the rest, it would be a sad day for India if the nationalist party, the BJP, turned into a pale imitation of the Congress.
I for one am confident that they will play a serious role as the major Opposition in Parliament, without abandoning the Hindutva platform.
There has been much talk of the youth vote for Congress. While Tarun Vijay in his article in TOI 'Who falls if India rises' generously and correctly congratulates the young Congress MPs, the exit poll figures show that the percentage of the youth vote in the BJP camp is higher for the BJP than the Congress, relative to the mature voters.
While the youth versus mature ratio in the Congress camp was about even: 29.5%(youth) and 30.3 % (mature), the BJP tally is as follows: 20% youth and 18% mature.
My personal opinion such as it is:
The BJP cannot and should not become a Conservative Right party,as the American one. They will lose whatever vote base they have. Both the Democrats and the Conservatives in the US. have a distinct Anglo Saxon heritage that both follow, with some differences on views such as gay marriage and abortion. Even here the spectrum is narrower than might be expected, with Obama favouring civil union etc. but not marriage.
The BJP on the other hand should not be shy of advancing the Hindutva cause which happens also to be a nationalist cause:
1. Reclaim PoK
2. Annex Bangladesh
3. End Article 370
4.Check the influx of Bangladesh Muslims
5.Stop all foreign funds for NGOs
6.Halt the uncontrolled mushrooming of churches, prayer houses and madrasas funded by foreign money. Different only if local Muslims and Christians provide their own funds for the above.
7.Ban religious conversion.
8.Central legislation which will free Hindu temples from government control.
9.Enforce a Uniform Civil Code. It is an anomaly not to have it in a modern secular democracy.
10. Emphasise strongly Savarkar's definition of Hindutva: the shared culture of ALL inhabitants of Hindustan, and the equal rights enjoyed by all inhabitants of the subcontinent.
Good governance, security and development are not new causes. They have been there ever since the Indian nation also had state institutions from earliest times.
Having said the above, congratulations for being one of the few liberal journalists who exressed the thought that it is unseemly to beg Rahul to join the government.
Dr. Vijay
everybody else stays away from US treasuries, manmohan singh buys lots
Cheriyathura (love-peace riots), or Love and Peace in India
From: K
"The three ideologies (Love Peace and Liberty) have not yet started exchanging blows simply because their areas of operation have not yet coincided. They have chosen to feed upon different limbs of the large-sized Hindu society. Christianism is busy amongst Hindu "tribals" whom Hindu society had always left undisturbed. Islamism is on the prowl amongst the Harijans whom a power-hungry leadership is fast preparing for political blackmail. Communism is spreading its tentacles amongst the upper and middle classes whom it parades as its "proletarian base." |
How Peace promotes Progress in Swat
From: K
Europe rejects electronic voting
We Do Not Trust Machines
The people reject electronic voting.
By Evgeny Morozov | NEWSWEEK
Published May 23, 2009
From the magazine issue dated Jun 1, 2009
When Ireland embarked on an ambitious e-voting scheme in 2006 that would
dispense with "stupid old pencils," as then–prime minister Bertie Ahern put
it, in favor of fancy touchscreen voting machines, it seemed that the nation
was embracing its technological future. Three years and €51 million later,
in April, the government scrapped the entire initiative. High costs were one
concern—finishing the project would take another €28 million. But what
doomed the effort was a lack of trust: the electorate just didn't like that
the machines would record their votes as mere electronic blips, with no
tangible record.
One doesn't have to be a conspiracy theorist or a Luddite to understand the
fallibility of electronic voting machines. As most PC users by now know,
computers have bugs, and can be hacked. We take on this security risk in
banking, shopping and e-mailing, but the ballot box must be perfectly
sealed. At least that's what European voters seem to be saying. Electronic
voting machines do not meet this standard.
... deleted
Sunday, May 24, 2009
India to Sign Logistics Support Agreement with US
KKKangress bares fangs - get ready for this blog to be banned
so much for that democracy non-sense. Mahatma is out - Mussolini is back in.
This should suprise only the stupid of course - it is the perfect way to carry forward Chacha Stalin's "Animal Farm" agenda. The words for Kulapati Munshi ring ever so lound in my ears
"The P.S.P. is ‘unpractical’; Jan Sangh is ‘communal’; the Swatantra Party is ‘feudal’, and the Press, no sooner it dared to raise its voice against the vicious trends in the Congress, is the ‘voice of vested interests’ "
guess where they will get the "great firewall" to block news website (hint - who are Xinhua Ram's friends that have the worlds largest net censoring operation?). why blame anyone - it is the public (or is it the EVM) that votes of course!
Yes "V" Can!
Now the ABC network plans to air a re-make of it in January:
A recap of the original is available here. You can also watch the finale of the original show online.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
repeat post: instances of christist 'luuuuuuv' from all over
Caught in the Middle: Sri Lankan Tamils tell their stories
From: sri venkat <>
![]() | Unbowed And Unafraid Unbowed And Unafraid Unbowed And Unafraid Unbowed And Unafraid Unbow Unbowed And Unafraid Unbowed And Unafraid | ||||||||
christist 'luuuuuuv' in action: Lessons for Tribal Hindus of India
From: <info@
Church in Africa: Child Witches
what happens behind Church doors (in this case the Orthodox Church). This video reveals how drug addicts have allegedly been filmed being beaten.
A video of one assault, published by Vreme magazine, shows a man appearing to assault a patient by hitting him with a shovel and punching his face. One former resident said staff had offered to cure his addiction with "pleasant conversation" and beatings. A priest running the centre, near Novi Pazar, said a "heavy hand" was needed. One former resident said staff had offered to cure his addiction with "pleasant conversation" and beatings. A priest running the centre, near Novi Pazar, said a "heavy hand" was needed.
precisely why rupee will fall soon, and so will the sensex, because of huge inflation
peas in khatmandu: prachanda's sponsors get a shock
zakaria indulges in al-taqiya
orwellian: the word 'holy' in christism
ratzy pisses everybody off: atlanticist
more on luuuv and peas in cheriyathura, trivandrum
KKKangress to Dravidian neanderthals - get your hands off my gravy train!
the only bright spot in this election result is the neutering of these DMK "not-terrorist-my friend" jerks - especially that execrable Baalu fellow. those dredging contracts on Ram Sethu were just not enough money for them no? No sir - no that and not the assorted other Telecom scams.
not that it makes a big difference - it will only be someone else grabbing at the moolah
Thursday, May 21, 2009
TOI's advice to BJP: be like kkkangress, create communal riots where only hindus are killed; and what christist media does when RoP and RoL 'luuuuuuv' each other
see google trends on EVMs, as well as the stats/index on the page with the indiresan report on EVMs
yet another limey sucks up to the chinese and abuses hindus
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
luuuuv in action: Thousands beaten, raped in christist schools in ireland
From: <yashwini
Thousands beaten, raped in Irish reform schools Associated Press May 20, 2009 DUBLIN – A fiercely debated, nine-year investigation into Ireland's Roman Catholic-run institutions says priests and nuns terrorized thousands of boys and girls in workhouse-style schools for decades — and government inspectors failed to stop the chronic beatings, rapes and humiliation. High Court Justice Sean Ryan on Wednesday unveiled the 2,600-page final report of Ireland's Commission to Inquire Into Child Abuse, which is based on testimony from thousands of former students and officials from more than 250 church-run institutions. More than 30,000 children deemed to be petty thieves, truants or from dysfunctional families — a category that often included unmarried mothers — were sent to Ireland's austere network of industrial schools, reformatories, orphanages and hostels from the 1930s until the last church-run facilities shut in the 1990s. ... deleted Behind Locked Doors @ Do Nuns die Virgins @ Ex-Nun's Confessions @ |
on the other hand, when a pakistani is upset, the atlanticist wants to kiss him and make the boo-boo go away
atlanticist's patronising editorial ordering india to bend over and grease up
From: Ram Narayanan
Subject: NY Times' patronising editorial -- Readers respond
Following the Congress party's election victory in India, the New York Times of May 18 carried a condescending editorial titled "India's Challenges: it is time for India to exercise the kind of regional and global leadership expected of a rising power" (see
This editorial has evoked many excellent -- interesting and thoughtful -- comments (vide
Following are the editors' own selections that are worth reading.
Ram Narayanan
May 19, 2009 7:03 am
Several comments regarding your editorial on what India should do in regards to Pakistan. You are right, India showed remarkable restraint in not attacking Pakistan after the Mumbai attack. Especially since the Indian government believes that elements of the Pakistani army/intelligence were involved. In addition, your paper reported sources in the US intelligence organization that Pakistan's ISI was involved in the attack on the Indian embassy in Kabul that killed two senior Indian officials.
Even if US aid is not used directly to build Pakistani nukes, money is fungible, and the resources freed up by the aid will be used by the Pakistani's to build nukes.
So to ask India to unilaterally stop developing additional nuclear material and to go into arms control talks with Pakistan and China is unrealistic. Do you really think that China wants to have arms control discussions? China is a major security concern for India and the US. India's military calculus is more centered on China than Pakistan. Your proposal is a non-starter.
As far as Kashmir is concerned, India would have agreed to converting the current Line of Control as the International border. That is the only pragmatic solution. There are several precedents to this. Bengal was divided between India and East Pakistan. Punjab was divided between India and West Pakistan and Pashtunistan was divided by the Durand line. Pakistani leaders have come close to accepting such a deal in the past but unfortunately have been overtaken by events in their own country before consummating the deal.
The reason that there is a strong presence of the Indian army near the Pakistani border is to prevent infiltration by terrorists from Pakistan. Often under cover fire from the Pakistani army. Every week there are reports in the Indian press of pitched battles as the Indian forces try and stop the terrorists from entering India. Do you really think that any Indian government can order its military to withdraw from the border while terrorists are entering on a regular basis.
The only way the US Af-Pak strategy will work is if the ruling elite in Pakistan (i.e. the Army ) finally realize that it is not in their best interests to keep India as the bogeyman. Until now, the demonizing of India has allowed the Pakistani army to control Pakistan. Like some one correctly said, Most countries have an army while in Pakistan the army has a country. That calculus will have to change for the Pakistani elite. India getting stronger v.vs. Pakistan will help that cause not the other way around as your editorial suggests.
— Sanjiv, San Jose, CA
Recommended by 156 Readers
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Role of Bangladeshis in WB elections, 2009
From: Bhavananda
Here's my take on the role of Bangladeshis in this years elections, and the Red-Green divide is becoming more evident.
Its pertinent that pro-Hindu groups keeps this in mind while making future strategies, in case we have to choose between the devil and the deep sea.
Please feel free to let others know about this trend in your blogs, reports, etc.
Koenraad Elst: BJP lost for not being Hindu enough
Elst has been saying that Advani and other seniors in the BJP like nothing more than to seek the approval of the 'secularists'. They want desperately to be the B team of the Congress and lose in the bargain (why vote for the pale imitation when you can get the original - including aliens and babalog). I am personally amused at the presecriptions of these press-wallahs - all trumpeting that the BJP now needs to de-hinduise and become the party of the "centre right" (whatever that means). Only two years ao of course - the BJP was winning everything in sight (remember Gujarat and Karnataka?). What was it then? Lack of center-rightedness?
Personally I think the BJP has to look at this loss and be prepared for a long exile from power - like the Tories in Britain. However, they must devote time to develop an ideological and organisational base. They also have to realise that they will not have allies now and will need to go it largely alone - and in the light of a terminally hostile press. They must battle for the long haul
My favorite example is that of Karnataka - the BJP had nothing there a few years ago. However, they have used temples and other faith-based organisations to their advantage. They have networked and used these as delivery vehicles. Now - even with as unflamboyant a leader as Yedyurappa - they have their nose in front of the Congress and the Gowdas. It is because they actually developed an organization - and waited for the others to dig themselves into a hole!
angle of repose: velupillai prabhakaran, RIP
WSJ on Sri Lanka's Victory
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Geographical distribution of seats won by different parties
From: A P
did BJP lose because it didn't win UP?
in any case, the BJP's losses in UP are collateral damage in the EVM fraud targeting mayavati.
From: sri
daily times: A monstrous experiment in Pakistan
i do love this quote. so appropriate. reminds me of the hatchet-faced young 'father' kappan who was defrocked for buggering little boys at the school i went to.
Alfred Hitchcock, the great movie director who specialised in frightening people, was once driving in Switzerland when he suddenly pointed out of the car window and said, "That is the most frightening sight I have ever seen." It was a priest in conversation with a little boy, his hand on the boy's shoulder.
Hitchcock leaned out of the car window and shouted, "Run, little boy! Run for your life!"
From: Ram Narayanan
DAILY TIMES (of Pakistan)
May 11, 2009
OPINION: A monstrous experiment —Nasir Abbas Mirza
Remote madrassas may be turning boys into drones but then there are thousands of madrassas spread all over Pakistan's urban centres that are producing millions of neo-drones who may not become suicide bombers but are totally unfit to live in this world. These kids need to be rescued
Take a little boy and incarcerate him in a remote madrassa. Keep him far away from the rest of the world and bar any interaction with humanity. Indoctrinate him with a distorted version of a religion and tell him that he does not belong to this world. Teach him about the fanciful world that awaits him in the heaven, and that in order to attain that he has to destroy everything that stands in his way, including his own body.
... deleted
Winning elections made easy
From: Gopi
1) Winning elections made easy
Satinath Choudhary
Send instant messages to your online friends
atlanticist disinformation on prabhakaran
prabhakaran, a malayali-origin convert?
Upping the Competition
But I was also thinking that BJP need to demonstrate their ability to take democracy to a higher level, by staging public debates between rival candidates, for the public to enjoy. Public debates are a hallmark of true democracies, as exemplified by many Western countries.
The Congress is afraid of public debates, because their leaders are buffoons who received their jobs by hereditary succession, like a royal family. Sonia Gandhi can hardly speak any Indian language, and when she does so, she speaks very haltingly, like the tourist she is.
BJP should conduct vibrant public debates to show the country what real democratic debate and discussion are. By doing so, they can upstage anything the sheltered inbred Congressmen might hope to do. And if the sheltered Congress Party leaders continue to opt out of such debates, then they will ensure that they are eclipsed by those who are willing to partake in real democratic exchange.
Monday, May 18, 2009
velupillai prabhakaran, son charles anthony, theoretician pottu amman, killed: sri lankan army
india is secular, because Indian Hindus want it, not because Indian Muslims want it - M. J. Akbar
From: Anil President Obama and India
From: Ram Narayanan
Obama Must Stop Neglecting India
Tunku Varadarajan, 05.18.09, 12:01 AM EDT
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bbc drops "2000 mohammedans" refrain. has it served its purpose?
no kidding, sherlock! atlanticist discovers that pakistan is building more nukes
Mumbai goes to UPA, courtesy MNS
From: viji
Mumbai goes to UPA, courtesy MNS
17 May 2009, 0157 hrs IST, Sunando Sarkar, TNN
... deleted
circumstantial evidence: Was there electoral fraud?
naveen chawla ki jai. or jai ho. or whatever. he'll soon join m teresa in the queue of the blessed.
From: <info@
It cannot be a coincidence.
Whatever political party that was against the congress namely:
All of them have been defeated in this election and only congress and its allies have won.
Navin Chawla"s. Without him, Congress would have bitten dust.
Sena blames EVMs