Sunday, April 22, 2007

Bharat Karnad: Nuclear testing is the crux

Dated article and might have been posted before, but still a good read...


hUmDiNgEr said...

Hi Rajeev,

Supreme court of India has spanked Duryodhan Singh again.

Unknown said...

Great article. Puts the deal scene in perspective. If the position since the beginning was to be seriously for preserving the test option, there would be no agreement in the first place. I think that's where the Vajpayee govt. stalled but Manmohan decided to take a chance, hoping for things turn in their favor. The only piece of strategic initiative that UPA pursued with any degree of seriousness, too has floundered. I feel for Manmohan sometimes.

Unknown said...

Aside, Duryodhan singh will be back in few days. Reservation for OBCs is a fait accompli. The numbers game favors pro-reservationists. And this reservation will never be repealed, so whatever is done will stay forever, or go only in one direction- upwards that is.

TallIndian said...

Can someone explain the 'creamy layer' to one who has been out of India for many a decade.

DarkStorm said...


It means any OBC who is well-off, and not disadvantaged. Basically, any such OBC does not need any reservation.