Thursday, April 20, 2006

this is happening to the poor in india too

apr 19th

i have noticed poor and lower-middle class people eating unhealthy fast
foods like maggi noodles (full of monosodium glutamate), reducing the
amount of physical exercise (everybody including the fisherman, the
trashman, and the milkman have all upgraded from bicycles to
motorcycles), and generally getting sick with cholesterol, high blood
pressure and diabetes at an early age. the age-old traditional foods,
full of starch (huge amounts of rice, tapioca etc.) are also not quite
appropritate unless you are working hard in the field. not good for
sedentary people.

i wonder what the health-care bill in india is for all these new-fangled
food habits.

i guess this is one way of getting rid of blacks and hispanics. another
way is to put most of the young black men in jail, which they are doing
these days. some astonishing number, like 30% of all young black men,
are in jail at any given time. building prisons is a growth industry in
the US


nizhal yoddha said...

sorry, MSG has been shown in a number of clinical studies to be harmful to the brain development of small children and also to cause severe allergic reactions in a lot of people. it's not whether the thing occurs naturally, it's the excessive quantities used in commercial MSG to fool the brain into thinking that something bland is flavorful that's harmful. similarly, there are natural steroids that occur in the body, it's the artificial use of large quantities that's bad.

aspartame has also been shown to have serious side-effects in some studies.

trans fats, high-fructose corn syrup, etc. are known to be highly harmful to health, but that doesn't prevent the food lobby in the us from making up 'research' showing they are harmless.

much like the tobacco lobby 'proved' that tobacco doesnt cause any harm.

if you find other things to be harmful, talk about them, too, and publicize them.

daisies said...


but sadly, milkman, trashman and
house-maid dont listen to good

my maid thinks she knows better
than me, on food, medicine, health
and doctors.


daisies said...

hey kum!

this isnt about superiority and
inferiority of humans.

this is about being knowledgeable.
with no feelings of superiority,
i do assert that i happen to know
better than her in certain matters.

though i may not be more
knowledgable than you - i dont even
know you. but i do know what my
maid thinks on certain subjects.

for instance, her faith in
injections. when she falls sick,
she worries unless the doctor
prescribes an injection.

since we spoke of trashman and
milkman, and since rajeev
encouraged us to talk to people
about what we know, i mentioned
my honorable maid.

i cant understand why that makes
you think i feel superior to her.


daisies said...

wow, t_comments,

with all your allegations, i am
actually beginning to susect that
i might indeed be a superior human
being than you.

as for wanting to advise my maid
why would i not want to advise her ? she is my dear maid who has
been around me for years, and
naturally i care enough about
her health to help her with my

i didnt try to advise my milkman
and trashman, i was just saying
they wont listen anyway.

buzz off t_comments, i dont write
on this blog for you. there are
a few sane people who arent about
to interpret me as superior, simply
because two days back i mentioned
my caste.

your reply to my post
just shows how ANTI upper-caste
you are!!!!

even your responses my post are
caste based!

By the way, how do you know what
caste my maid is ? you made some
assumption, didnt you ?!

buzz off.


daisies said...

and I use the word
"upper-caste" for lack of a
better word.

daisies said...

and by the way, Mister t_comments,

my maid also gives me advice on
food, health, medicines, and i
give her a patient hearing.

so the advising is two-way, and
i dont force my views on her.

in fact, she spends much more
time advising me, than i advise
her. and i always give her a
patient hearing.

thankfully, she doesnt think i
am acting superior simply becoz
my caste is brahmin.

i guess my maid knows me better
than Mister T_comments.


daisies said...


Plerase read clearly before you
write biased responses.

Nizhal Yoddha's post is clearly
"this is happening to the poor in india too"

See the word "too" in the title ?

I suppose you know English, dont
you ?

Nizhal Yoddha was talking sense.

And he didnt suggest milkman and
trashman should not upgrade their
transport. He only said the diet
of starchy foods is unsuited to
their changing lifestyle (of
less physical exercise).

I think you and the other commentor
called t_comments have knee-jerk
anti-intelligent people attitudes
as well as anti-upper caste

And because of your bad attitudes
I am not going to read through
either of your posts to gain any
knowledge if it contains any. I'll
ignore disrespectful commentors
even if they have a gold-mine of
knowledge to share.


daisies said...

I did come back here to see if
Rajeev had any comments.

I saw some more comments from
t_comments, and saw I had been
described as condescending.

I think t_comments has serious
self-esteem issues and should see
a psychologist to get help and
restore his self-esteem.

I dont care if you are a he or

I called you Mister because I
dont care one way or the other.

Your response was rude and
casteist. I dont care whether I
got your gender right.

I assure you I havent bothered to read your gold-mine of wisdom.
You dont deserve that kind of


daisies said...

Dear t_comments,

Let me offer you my shrink couch
for free:

1. Rajeev posts on milkman/trashman
and advises readers to talk on

2. I write back saying milkman,
trashman wont listen, for
example, my maid.

3. Most normal people would ignore
that comment, since really it
was in response to the advice
Rajeev gave. (Maybe I should
add for your benefit, that my
post was written ONLY to
Rajeev, in response to his).

4. There was nothing caste
related in my post.

5. You had an axe to grind with me
ever since I mentioned my caste
in Rajeev's post about caste.
You hated me starting few
days back, based on my caste.

6. You hate the confidence with
which I write. To you it comes
across like condescenscion.

6. You respond with caste-based

7. You go on to call me names.

All this, for a post that did
not have anything at all to do
with i) You ii) Your Caste
ii) My Caste.

Dont you see your own psychology
playing out ?

You should hire a psychologist to
help to build your sorely
lacking self-esteem, so that you
dont feel threatened by someone
else's self-esteem.

If you are really a she, then you
must be a very, very jealous one.
Someone who cant stand another
woman expressing her thoughts

My posts on this blog are mostly
in response to Rajeev. Only when
someone raises a query or makes a
factually incorrect statement, i
respond to that, with whatever I
know on the subject.

My guess is you are a He. You
remind me of someone I have known
before. Someone who stopped writing
here for some reason, which I will
not presume to know. But I think I
