Monday, March 01, 2021

so why didn't biden invite india to this conclave to #decouplechina?

both possible reasons are alarming:

1. rampant anti-india/anti-hindu feeling among the biden cohort (ie obama pygmies). this is also seen in the fact that out of the famous "20 indian americans in biden's administration", neera tanden is almost certain to be rejected; vivek moorthy has had allegations thrown against him; vanita gupta is being smeared and attacked. note that they all have hindu names. THERE HAVE BEEN NO ATTACKS against samira fazili, an islamist from J&K. so a reasonable conjecture is that the pakistani-islamist infiltrators in the Democratic party (remember huma abedin, the pakistani conscience-keeper of hillary clinton) are out to get the hindus.

meanwhile, over in the UK, rashmi sawant has been forced to resign her post as oxford student union president.

reminds me of how the brilliant tulsi gabbard was smeared and un-personed for being a hindu. 

there is a "Final Solution (R)" type plan being put in place by an unholy alliance of redneck RoL, and the RoP-commie combine, with the intent of wiping out hindus. jews were targeted then, hindus are targeted now.

2. there is nothing worthwhile in technology in india. i find that hard to believe. yes, the R&D is pathetic. but in terms of ability to scale up manufacturing, india is the only one that can compete with china. countries like vietnam and thailand are good, but they will run into supply constraints and be unable to ramp up. besides, india is a huge market for almost everything. 

so objectively speaking, excluding india is not sensible; it is just prejudice on the part of the biden democrats who see india as only a consumer of discarded or obsolete american stuff. it is the US that's missing an opportunity. india will ramp up because of its own large market, and also because of Indian Ocean Rim, especially africa. 

1 comment:

Pagan said...

Recent moves by Japan and EU clearly indicate that they see more promise in Vietnam and Indonesia than in India. We are tech-challenged, R&D challenged.

Our public sector has a relatively better record on R&D. Not that it is great, but points to the pathetic state of our English-obsessed private sector.