Friday, November 17, 2006

video cd into an uploadable mpeg?

thanks for the great info about podcasts -- including a couple of offers by email to host my podcasts-to-be! i should start something soon, an irregular set of short podcasts.

another question: i have this great video from francois gautier, but it's on a VCD -- about brahmins and upper caste hindus working as coolies, toilet-cleaners, farmhands, etc., giving the lie to the idea that they are all living off the fat of the land.

i think it's a pretty good polemic. i'd like to get it uploaded to youtube or something as san suggested. (is youtube the same as google video these days? i am not into video -- don't even have a digital camcorder, although years ago i was one of the early adopters of the sony camcorder in the bad old analog days (that poor camera, which was great, died, alas, in the middle of a trip to bali, which was rather unfortunate to say the least).

how can i turn this VCD content into mpeg or whatever and upload it to youtube? any technical advice received gratefully

1 comment:

Shobhit Mathur said...

In the MPEGAV folder on the VCD you will find a .DAT file. That is the video file. Just copy it to your hard drive and rename it to a .mpg instead of .DAT

Then just upload the .mpg file to google video. Youtube only accepts videos of length less than 10min, while Google videos accepts full length movies. So Google Videos is your best bet.

Here is one I uploaded using the above procedure and it worked: