Tuesday, November 21, 2006

scientists bashing (semitic) religion

nov 20th, 2006

all the blind faith stuff they talk about is relevant to semitic 'religions' or ideologies. the eastern religions -- the only true religions -- are not subject to the same idiocies, as they allow you, nay require you, to question and seek, rather than believe some stupid priest or pathetic book.


here's more from dawkins' book, on that 'god' creature from the old testament: the tribal, jealous yhwh of jews, christists and under a different name, of mohammedans as well --

richard dawkins in the 'god delusion':

"the god of the old testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction. jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty, ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully."

couldn't have put it better myself. i do like this guy's take-no-prisoners attitude. also, note his emphasis that this is a character in 'fiction' -- gotta love it.


bly243001 said...

From Slate
I love belonging to the family of God. Jesus is the way, the truth and offers His life to you and each human being. Pay attention...this is very important, Satveer. Have you noticed Jesus for yourself...at some moment in time, yet???"
-- from concession email sent to re-elected MN state Sen. Satveer Chaudhary, a Hindu, by Christian opponent Rae Hart Anderson

Kudos to Siddhartha "Macaca" too, for acknowledging that he is a practicing Hindu, unlike many other such as Bobby Jindal who feel ashamed and apologetic of being Hindu.

Seven Star Hand said...

Hello Nizhal,

Here's my two bits on this intractable debate. Hope you and others can appreciate my efforts to provide a key to a true solution for humanity's seemingly never-ending cycle of struggle and despair.

Analyzing the Creator Debate

Did you ever consider that atheism arose because certain people saw that religious characterizations about the nature of an omnipotent "God" were seriously flawed and then concluded that religion and the Creator were the same things? This is the exact same conclusion at the base of religious beliefs; namely that the Creator and religion are inseparable. Consequently, both atheists and religious followers are arguing over a flawed assumption without considering that other possibilities negate the common core conclusion of both groups. These arguments are actually over religion and whether it represents a reliable model of reality. The answer to this question is of course not. Religion is not only flawed, it is purposely deceptive! Though atheists are certainly sincere in their conclusions, the fact remains that they and religious followers are locked in a debate that cannot be won by either side because both base their positions upon whether the same flawed premise is the truth. In order for this debate to conclude with a truthful answer, a greater level of discernment is required.

One apt clarifying question is, if someone tells lies about you, does that negate you or make you a liar or a lie? Certainly, the image cast about you would be a false one, but that is their image, not the real you. Consequently, faulty religious assertions about the Creator of this universe do not negate the existence of a Creator. Considering the possibility that this universe is not by chance leaves the door open to how it arose, which leads us to seek what could have created and maintained it. Since neither religion nor science has yet adequately answered this question, it is safe to conclude that those who argue about the Creator based on either are most certainly wrong about one or more aspects. Therefore, another point of view and additional knowledge are required.

