Sunday, January 31, 2021

obama's, ... oops biden's world record 40 executive orders in 1 week

a lot like that padre godman formerly known as ratzenberger manufactured more 'saints' than all his predecessors combined!

or how china executed more people than the rest of the world combined. 

when trump used executive orders, it was condemned as an abomination of the legislative process. when biden does them in spades, it's just fine. #deepstate and flunkeys are happy. 

gee, obama's 'pivot' architect! asia must be jumping for joy!

obama's "pivot to asia" was just hot air and meant nothing at all. china happily grabbed the entire 9-dash line while obama "pivoted". 

its architect, this campbell guy, is now biden's asia guy. oh joy.

you can't gaslight all the people all the time. 

Saturday, January 30, 2021

vaccines probably not effective at stopping transmission, says UK health honcho

i've been saying this for a long time. the trial (at least for covishield) only tests whether the vaccine reduces severe disease, NOT whether it prevents mild or asymptomatic infection or transmission to third parties by severely, mildly or asymptomatically infected people

this gmail logo must be offensive to women too

okay, only to dominant women, i suppose. 
😂😜😜 wink wink, nudge nudge (as monty python would say). 

nikkei asia invites anti-nationals to pontificate

for martyr's day, gandhi deplatformed and beheaded

Indian icons under attack. Right on Biden cue. right after Red Fort.

whose modus operandi do you think this is? be honest. 

since "poverty, joblessness and malnutrition" have disappeared in the UK

or at least gone down dramatically in the UK, we should listen to some brits pontificating. and the US, too.

oh wait, have you been to san francisco lately? poverty, joblessness and malnutrition are *soaring* in the US and UK. in poverty-stricken UK lives are moving towards "'solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short'

bloody pontificating imbeciles.

Re: #sjw #woke #cancelculture big win

Also McDonald's logo. In fact, the letter M should be cancelled altogether. While we are at it, why not cancel C and V as well? Indonesia has done that. 

And family planning logo too. Of with its head! 

On Sat, Jan 30, 2021, 7:16 AM Rajeev Srinivasan <> wrote:
Soon, male and female electrical connectors will be banned

#sjw #woke #cancelculture big win

Soon, male and female electrical connectors will be banned

Friday, January 29, 2021

This continent isn't big enough for India and China

Xi says hi to Biden

This will not end well. 

this continent isn't big enough for china and india

there is a simple solution: cut china down to size, ie the han heartland. the rest of the empire should be wrested from them, ie CoT, CoX, CoMongolia, CoManchuria, all occupied by hans. they are seriously worried about this, which is why they're doing cultural genocide in the empire. i'm eerily reminded of the soviet empire. 

whether the empire will collapse with a judicious few pushes, or whether there will have to be a serious nuclear war (see the old taiwanese book Yellow Peril) is up to xi. 

translation: in your face, biden!

wasn't his new def sec austin saying something about reviving military ties with pak? good job. 

the xinhua cheque has cleared

The China doctrine: a proposal for the US

Thursday, January 28, 2021

chellaney: biden should be more like trump when calling china's bluff

The leadership storm brewing in IIM-Calcutta - The Ken

apparently serious management-faculty clashes at iim calcutta. this is a shame. 

iim kozhikode next?

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From: R

The leadership storm brewing in IIM-Calcutta

Olina Banerji

Read a 200 word free summary.

Show summary

It was a regular day in February 2019 at the Indian Institute of Management Calcutta's (IIM-C) doctoral labs when the PhD students were told they would be moving. "All of a sudden, the new director walked into the lab and forced us to move," says a PhD scholar with the institute, who didn't want to be identified fearing repercussions from the administration. "We went from having four doctoral labs to two." 

IIM-C's leadership had just changed hands in November 2018. The director of the institute, Saibal Chattopadhyay, was replaced by Anju Seth, a professor of management from the US-based Virginia Tech. Chattopadhyay resumed his position as a professor of Operations Management at IIM-C, post his term. 

Seth, claims the scholar, was not in favour of four dedicated labs for the campus' 60-odd PhD scholars. 

why kerala has surging covid

why kerala has surging covid: we are unhealthy, and we're using the wrong test, according to this report.

bad indians refusing to spend thus screwing the economy! never mind the chinese who created the problem by weaponizing biology in the first place.

latest from the WSJ's guy in delhi.

Monday, January 25, 2021

Quick notes: Coding nazi | K-shaped recovery...

  • Children are not startups: In the rush to teach kids coding at an early age, are we treating them like one? Let's make kids explore before making them excel. Coding won't go away anytime soon, but childhood will.

  • How chairs with backs have contributed to our back pain: A seat back essentially makes sitting even more passive than just sitting on a bench or a stool because you lean against the seat back and you're using even fewer muscles, even less effort to stabilize your upper body. And the result is that we end up having very weak backs. So there are a lot of muscles that we use in our backs to hold up our upper body, and those muscles, if we don't use them, just like every other muscle in your body, they atrophy.

  • The Epic Split: Why Made in China is Going Out of Style: Sorry tariff hating Davos Man and Bloombergers, Americans are indeed fine with paying more for their gadgets and gear if it is made by countries that share their values. Survey respondents said they want to avoid over-dependence on China for critical goods and services.

  • ‘K-shaped’ recovery: The rich are minting money in the pandemic like never before. “So much of what policy makers did was to enable those that were wealthiest to rebound fastest from the pandemic.”

    - Poorer quality jobs add to people’s woes: Not only have jobs evaporated, people have also been forced to move to less productive and poorly paid alternatives.

  • Reining in Big Tech: Google agrees to pay French news sites to send them traffic. . . Google threatens to shut down search in Australia

  • Hampi musical pillars: Visitors continue to tap the pillars to satiate their curiosity. Because of which many pillars are disfigured. A few of them have suffered an extensive damage.

  • Tribals not a "votebank" in Kerala politics: “The approach of the Kerala civil society, state govt and NGOs towards tribal communities is deplorable. The general view is that tribals should learn from the other ‘civilised’ communities. But in my view, it was just the opposite”.

  • How Long Will Coal Remain King in India? “It's critical that India build no new coal plants and also begin retiring existing ones, particularly older, highly polluting plants”. . Balancing development and "breathable air”: The cost-competitiveness of renewable energy alternatives, air pollution regulations and water scarcity have been putting pressure on the coal sector.

  • Swappable batteries: Pioneering the technology from Bengaluru, SUN Mobility has proposed to install 100 "Swap Points" in the city by end of 2021

The Unmourned Continuing Genocides in the Indian SubContinent: Manushi seminar 27 Jan

Dear Manushi Friends,

Seventy six years ago, the UN declared  January 27 as the International Holocaust Remembrance Day to mark the Jewish Genocide of 1940s.

But none has mourned the countless holocausts in the Indic universe even though the process continues unabated till date.

Even those of us whose ancestors survived repeated genocides and forced conversions at the hands of barbaric invaders have been forced to erase their memory.
We are making a small beginning with a webinar on the 76th International Holocaust Day to take stock of the 1000 year old history and legacy of genocides that left Hindustan, that is Bharat, a deeply wounded civilization.
The theme of the seminar is:

 The Unmourned Continuing Genocides in the Indian SubContinent

YouTube Link:

Please spread the word and join with friends and family.

Sunday, January 24, 2021

nidhi razdan is mamta banerjee 2.0: fake degree, fake job offer

antonio maino faked a degree from 'cambridge', whereas she actually studied at a now-defunct tutorial college in a town near cambridge university.

raoul vinci has faked a lot of degrees.

here's mamta banerjee's fake degree.

at least nidhi razdan didn't fake a degree, she just faked a job. 

Saturday, January 23, 2021

thank you, karnataka, for this float: ugra-narasimha, hampi/vijayanagar

easy for biden to reduce global warming: ban beef :-)

😂😂 john kerry, climate czar, would be so pleased.

btw, this is only CO2, not counting the huge input cost in water (15,000 liters for 1 kg of beef, which dwarfs all others put together), grain and other inputs. 


as expected, priorities for biden are woke issues

back to obama times. oh, joy. 

1. which bathrooms do transgenders use?
2. are you she/her, or he/his, or it/its?
3. turkey qatar gas pipeline through syria
4. cancel keystone XL pipeline
5. allow men to compete with women in sports if they say they feel they're women
.... way, way down in the list
75. china is infiltrating america's power grid (oh, wait, we just allowed them to)
76. china is eating america's lunch
77. china just banned many trump staffers
78. china just told its coast guard to shoot at anybody in SCS

thank you, google's genius ad algorithm!

yeah, right. perfect ads to show me, considering i'm not tamil, and also that i find these dmk guys abhorrent, and that evr fellow downright abominable. 

by laboriously reading tamil letter by letter, i gather that this is an anti-AIADMK ad inviting me to click? 

china's south china sea arrogance: biden, xi says hello.

i wrote this in malayalam about china's arrogant and unceasing efforts to turn the south china sea into its private lake, on friday. 

on saturday, china declared the intent to use military force by authorizing their coast guard to fire on ships in the south china sea.

hi, POTUS biden. yes, please continue the obama-era appeasement. here's my substack + podcast on why pompeo left a clear warning against weak-kneed weasel-wording.

Ever see the movie 'Trance'?

You should. Evangelism is a great business. If prayer fails, the victim blames himself, not the preacher, for lack of faith.

It's like you blame yourself, not Bill Gates, when your windows computer doesn't work. 

$65 million each. No, there's no quid pro quo

Nor money laundering. How dare you! 

china's electromagnetic warfare plans

no kidding, sherlock. china has stolen russian arms secrets

internet: google project loon shut down, but elon musk persists with starlink

i was teaching a case study on X, the google moon-shot lab. they have an admirable tendency to shut things down unless they can do them cost effectively. so this is not a total failure, i suppose. 

meanwhile, though, elon musk believes in starlink:

wall st/corporate greed: exactly what got US into dependence on china

"doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome this time is lunacy".

this is how they got to a point where china has them by the short and curlies. but i guess it's profitable for some people for some time.

Manchurian candidate?

Friday, January 22, 2021

jair bolsanoro of brazil has the grace to thank india with a hindu meme

the woman who should have been US president: tulsi gabbard

the most sensible, level-head POTUS candidate i have come across in observing 40+ years of campaigns. 

she was deplatformed by the democrats for supporting bernie sanders v hillary in 2016.
she was deplatformed by #deepstate for opposing useless wars (obviously not useless to the military industrial complex of course)
she was deplatformed by redneck evangelists and lefties for being a hindu

a very long interview (over 2.5 hours) but even listening to a snippet will give you an idea how sensible and reasonable she is.

Re: biden "diversity": hispanics+blacks on stage; but no nonchristians

the US media notices the overt christian fundamentalism in biden inaugural

Potemkin village. Literally.

Thursday, January 21, 2021

how the 'liberal' 'world order' sacrificed cambodia after kissinger did his war criminal bit

hubris in exporting democracy means cambodia is now a chinese puppet. 

john kerry ki jai!

he'll do anything to appease global-warming mafiosi. even accepting the 9-dash line.

US presidents and wars

trump's problem was that he didn't actually start any wars. that's a big no-no as far as #deepstate is concerned. 

unrestricted warfare? koodankulam, sterlite, wistron, now this

biden "diversity": hispanics+blacks on stage; but no nonchristians

did you notice how a couple of black people and two latinas (jennifer lopez and justice sotomayor) were trotted out as examples of 'diversity'? but where were the asians? the native americans? 

oh, i guess 'kamala' is supposed to be an asian.

but notice how kamala was determinedly black american christian, swearing, i believe, on TWO bibles? of which one belonged to her black neighbor in oakland. no diversity there. she could have sworn on one bible and one bhagavad gita, because after all her mother was a hindu (ok, once upon a time). 

no hint of the alleged indian-american-ness that lots of indians are going ga-ga over. 

why didn't she wear a sari? we know the answer: her indian-american gig was an election stunt. figures. i lived in the bay area for 15 years when she was a rising star, and not once did she ever show up at any indian-american do. 

in the hoopla and pomp and circumstance, did you notice any jews? muslims? hindus? buddhists? on stage. i didn't. maybe i missed it. i wasn't paying that much attention. any non-christian benedictions? i heard biden talk about augustine a few times in reverential tones. (there are some choice augustine quotes, of the hair-raising bigotry variety, in 'the darkening age'). 

so i guess there is NO diversity on the religion front. just that instead of it being lily-white there are a smattering of brown/black.

is it fair to conclude that if trump was a white supremacist racist, biden is a christian fundamentalist bigot? or that the US is an unapologetic christian fundamentalist nation, regardless of whether it's redneck southern republicans or hoity-toity atlanticist northeastern democrats? (asking for a friend)

translation: these guys told the truth about china

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Sunday, January 17, 2021

this is unpardonable. and what about the MoU with china?

why isn't the govt forcing the congress to put its MoU with xi in the public domain so we can see what the quislings did?

niti ayog's draft blockchain strategy: why we need to care

this is conceptually important. (i still think bitcoin is a tulipmania kind of thing, with no fundamental value to it, but blockchain is useful). not convinced niti ayog can pull it off, but this requires a bit of thought. 

india needs to come up with a blockchain-based, decentralized, digital ecosystem. 

in comparison, china came up with a surveillance-based, walled-garden, centralized, digital ecosystem of superapps (which has paid off handsomely).

the US came up with an attention-capturing, silo'd, oligopolistic digital ecosystem of two-sided marketplaces/platforms (which has also paid off handsomely). 

but the US and china strategies are history, done with, i mean they are dead men walking, as they are respectively 10 and 5 years old. an eternity in internet time. and we have seen the downsides of both (twitter/facebook shenanigans, aggressive attempts to grab data, jack ma cooling his heels in some gulag).