Friday, December 11, 2020

change of look and feel

i am sorry about the abrupt change in look and feel of the blog, especially to my regular fellow contributors pagan and san.

google has been sending me mildly threatening messages asking me to change the look for reasons that are unclear to me. 

i found out that i have two options: 

1. go back to the 'classic' look, which is what i have done now,

2. or go to a sparse '2nd generation' look, where it is optimized for phone screens, and posts are only five lines long.

unfortunately, i have lost the template that we have been using, so it is a choice between (1) and (2).

tell me if (1) is ok. 

i will switch to (2) shortly so you can see how that looks too.

then we can decide on which to choose.

sent from xiaomi redmi note 5, so please excuse brevity and typos


Pagan said...

(1) seems close enough to this blog's Hindu Nationalist Design DNA.

Unknown said...

thanks, pagan, for the comment. it's a retro look though.

in a bit i'll put up option 2 and you can tell me which you like better.

hope to hear from san as well.

Pagan said...


1. I lost visibility to this blog's view count after the theme change. That was a motivator for posting regularly :)

2. Please consider adding the link to your twitter page in the links column of this blog. Maybe your Parler and Substack pages too.