Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Bannon Outlines China's Game, Wants Independent Investigation of Biden's China Ties

Bannon outlines China's strategy and game in establishing hegemony over the world.

Bannon wants an independent special prosecutor appointed to investigate corrupt dealings between the Biden family and the Chinese govt. He also wants a separate special prosecutor appointed to separately investigate possible election fraud in the 2020 US elections.

Bannon wants Trump to appoint these investigators before he leaves office, to put in place the means to expose Biden and have him thrown out of office. Biden could just as easily fire such investigators once he's in the Whitehouse, but that could provide grounds for an impeachment vote against him, if the Republicans control the US Senate. And that's part of the reason why the election races for 2 US Senate seats going on in Georgia right now are occupying so much attention, with both US parties spending hundreds of millions of dollars. Those 2 US Senate seats hold the balance of power, making the difference between a Republican-controlled Senate vs a Democrat-controlled one. Since Democrats would already be controlling the lower house of Congress as well as the Whitehouse, then victory in Georgia would give Democrats control over all 3 branches of govt. At that point, the China lobby would be able to do anything they want, while side-lining the US military and security establishments. This could leave India very vulnerable and exposed to China's predations.

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