Thursday, September 17, 2020

Bigot attacks Kamala for "being named after Hindu goddess"

I knew instinctively that some ignorant moron would attack Kamala Harris for her partial Hindu heritage, which she has always disowned completely! Blacks had always resented her as a "daughter of high class street shitters" (hateful term for Brahmin from India) and now the BLM radicals feel "cheated" at her nomination as Biden's running mate in the 2020 U.S Presidential election because she is not 100% Black. When did “Kamala” ever even acknowledge her fractional Hindu heritage? It is tenuous at best - because even her mother was apparently a “progressive” and her maternal grandfather a Communist to boot! I guess one can never be Black enough or "Woke" enough. Now, this hateful, ignorant trailer trash corpse worshipper piece of human waste makes a bigoted attack on Kamala for "being named after a Hindu false idol"! Hindu Americans encounter instances of Hinduphobia routinely in our daily lives. I have several experiences of my own. But, this almost makes one feel sorry for Kamala - because, while there are many reasons to disagree with her on her ideology, her stated policy positions and even for someone to dislike her personally for the choices she has made in her life - her Hindu first name cannot be a reason to mount hateful attacks. The idiot may be ignorant that "Kamala" literally means "Lotus" in Sanskrit. So, this hateful attack is like attacking people named after other flowers "Rose", "Lily" or "Jasmine"! The irony is lost on the moronic worshipper of the FALSE IDOL of the mutilated, rotting corpse of a mythical dead Palestinian Arab illegitimate son of a Roman soldier stuck on a stick! Why not worship a hot dog instead? At least, that's considered "food" fit for human carnivore consumption in the Abrahamic world! And, yet it is Hinduism that is subjected to a vicious xenophobic attack - when it has absolutely no relation to Kamala Harris! And, so what even if she or someone else had indeed been named after a Hindu Goddess like Durga, Saraswati or Lakshmi? African Americans and Latinos have the option to riot on the streets in response to attacks on their communities - both real and perceived. As a law abiding community and a "model minority", Hindu Americans cannot even consider anything remotely like that. We will keep our heads down, laugh it off and move on. Let's see how many "liberals" and African Americans come to support Kamala on this issue. It would be smart of the Republicans to condemn this ignorant bigotry, but I'm not going to hold my breath waiting for it. P.S link below.

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