Tuesday, September 01, 2020

madhu kishwar's Open Letter to Times of India owner, Vineet Jain

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Madhu Kishwar

Why is The Times of India Promoting Anti Hindu, Anti India Forces?

My Open Letter to Vineet Jain

Dear Mr. Vineet Jain,

In recent years one has witnessed a steady transformation of The Times of India, the premier daily newspaper of our country into a platform for pathological Hindu Bashers.

This is not so apparent in the pages covering news. But the pride of place, especially in The Sunday Times, is given to those who use malicious lies and indulge in brazen distortion of facts to pour venom on Hindus. Fortunately, flimsy feminists like Bachi Karkaria and Shobha De are not taken seriously by anyone. Nor are the Juvenile Humourists like Jug Suraiya. But when you give pride of place to someone like Aakaar Patel, a leading member of the Break Up India Mafia who is now booked under serious charges including sections 153 (wantonly giving provocation with intent to cause riot) and section 117 ( abetting commission of offences by the public) there is cause for alarm. Patel is a foreign funded political activist, not a journalist. And yet your paper gave him the most prominent space for pouring out weekly malice against Hindus. You got rid of Dileep Padgaonkar in a jiffy when he grew too big for his boots. But you allowed the political riff raff he recruited to continue unchecked. 

The result is that even someone like Swaminathan Aiyar who for long years was a respected economist whose editorials in The Times Of India invariably provided factually grounded insights into important issues confronting India, has been infected by the #sickular Anti-Hindu Virus. 

I used to praise his writing publicly and in writing because he was among the few who avoided ideology driven agendas in sharp contrast to his brother Mani Shankar Iyer. His downhill journey began reluctantly but over time he seems to be following the footsteps of low on wits and high on vitriol Sagarika Ghose. His recent essay in The Sunday Times of August 16 is seething with contempt on an issue sacred to Hindus. Echoing the once favourite anchor of Times Now:  "The nation wants to know", Mr Jain! Do you endorse his views on Ram Mandir?.....contd

For the full article, click here 

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