Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Fwd: Britain belongs in Commonwealth

oct 11th, 2010

not quite. britain belongs in the garbage bin.

the commonwealth also belongs in the garbage bin of history: what, a celebration of blood-sucking, monstrous empire, by some of the most vicious thugs in history?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: B

DailyTelegraph, 11/10/2010

The Commonwealth is where Britain belongs

The spectacle of the Games in Delhi reminds us that the Commonwealth is our natural family, and not the EU, says Christopher Booker

The wonderfully warm and colourful opening ceremony for the Delhi Commonwealth Games (pictured above) prompted some commentators to muse on the way our politicians have, for decades, downplayed the significance of the Commonwealth, this unique association of 53 democracies embracing nearly a third of the world's population. But few people realise how much, as we threw in our lot with "Europe" in the 1960s and 1970s, our new partners made it a condition that we should turn our back on the Commonwealth, with which we had so many ties and with which, at that time, we did nearly half our trade.

Apart from being forced by tariffs drastically to reduce our trade with our Commonwealth family, we have since been made to rebuff them in countless other ways. For example, to work in the NHS, New Zealand or Australian nurses must take an exam to prove, inter alia, that they can speak English, while the same does not apply to Romanians, Slovaks or anyone from the EU.

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