Friday, July 06, 2007

Rediff provides the excuse
Yes - now we understand why the Glasgow attacks happened. It was retaliation for the Gujarat riots. In fact the fanatic was shouting "Death to Modi" as he was being taken to hospital. Was he not? Or how about this. Let us in the future have CCTV cameras in railway stations located in Muslim majority areas. Then we can all watch tapes of 60 perfectly law-abiding decent folk being roasted alive by 'accidental fires'; after watching which we can all retaliate. Shouldn't we rediff? What a bunch of Dhimmis!!


Unknown said...

How long will the Muslims, the seculars and the assorted hangers on flog the dead Gujarat Riots horse? And to these people who can't even be called a******es (after all the anal opening performs a necessary function for all human beings!), the word Gujarat is enough to create a justification for any atrocity against the general public. Here is a question. What did Gujarat riots have to do with the people of Glasgow or London? Is it not true that these fundus of the green variety are scared of trying any of their stunts in Gujarat?

And our wimp and moron of a PM has the gall to suggest that communities should not be targeted! One really wishes that he would crawl back to Anarkali bazaar or wherever he came from in Lahore.

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