Thursday, July 12, 2007

Economist - India has low religious freedom
Here at last the official Atlanticist view on religious freedom in India!! - Notice how we get clubbed with Indonesia and are actually behind Israel!!
Really? The last I heard there was no Law of Return, oriented toward increasing the Hindu population! - and before I am clubbed an anti-semite - let me also add that the Government of Israel published a book that said there is only one country in the world which NEVER - I repeat NEVER - carried out violence against it's Jews.(hint - that country is NOT Britain)
Quite unlike the Europeans. No? Oh.... I forgot - Atlanticists are not European in the strictest sense. But then they did go back on the Balfour declaration in public ; while going forward in private- or was it the other way round? Bloody Football Hooligans


Arvind said...

In Europe, little Muslim girls are persecuted and forbidden from wearing a headscarf.

It is widely accepted that the Brits are the most racist and cruel people on earth, and that they write such reports to divert attention from their cruelties.

In USA, it is the norm to not give permission for building Hindu temples. They come up with crude excuses like "there is no parking space" or "it is a zone for building homes." Such claims are never made for Christist churches.

Arvind said...

I have to add that the report is correct about the lack of religious freedom in India. Temples are controlled by the government and Hindus are robbed so that Christists and Muslims may get doles.

Rahul said...

Very true man, no number of exclamation marks are enough, how do they pass of such crap.
Does the external affairs ministry not object to anything ever?
This is the newsletter of the NATO right?

Hey aravind, what are you talking about, illiterate bugger(exceuseme), the govt here may maintain and control the temples but it does not place regulations on conversion, it does not place restrictions on propogation of religion.

Truth be spoken, the muslim and christian 20% do not have religious freedom to a great extent..Hindus are only too eager to grant that right to other hindus.

But still by all measures we should be ranking way behind a lot of nations in this matter. Malayasia for eg does not feature in this, inspite of its intervention in making Revathi muslim, what about pakistan, Bangladesh, religious freedom is rather a myth over there.
Even amongst the listed nations, India should be ranking way better.

Arvind said...

K Rah,

Christists and Muslims have special rights in India. They are super-class citizens in India. For example, even when they commit terrorist acts, they get away with it. e.g.: Madani, Afzal.

You argue that Muslims and Christists are intellectually incompetent and so need reservations, right? Well, even if they are intellectually incompetent, why do you think that doles and reservations are the solution?

Christists control the country in India and have grabbed most of the prime land in Kerala. They managed this not through merit (which they lack), but by twisting the laws in their favor. Of course, Christists are good at pleasing the White male and getting ahead. This is what the Christist Suzanne Arundhati Roy does.

There are no religious rights for Hindus in India who are persecuted if the methodology is a fair one. This is because India grants rights only to Muslims and Christists. India will be ranked below 140 in religious freedom rankings.

Christian said...

Anything Christian is anathema to Rajeev and his friends, and I'm sure this post of mine may not see the light of the day, but as a Christian who lived for a long time in India, it's against my conscience if I do not write this to set the record straight.

I'm a Christian and a Catholic at that. I was born in Kerala, but lived most of my life in Andhra and Karnataka. Not for a second in my life have I felt discriminated against for being born a Christian in India. My teachers, friends, employers......most of whom were Hindus, took me for what I am, and gave me due credit in everything I did. In fact, I never went to a Christian school or college. I have worked on extremely sensitive installations in the country, and not once was my integrity and patriotism questioned based on my religious disposition.

My life in India was blissful to say the least. Though I do not live in India now, I terribly miss the warmth of our great nation. There is no country on the face of this earth that will possibly give another religion the respect they get in India. Let there not be the slightest doubt about it. This is straight from the heart.

Whoever wrote the article in The Economist knows nothing about India. My assumption is that it’s based on reports of violence against minorities, which is a rare occurrence, and is the actions of a miniscule, misguided, section of Indian society.

Unknown said...

Same with me. I was born and brought up in Kerala. Then moved to Hyderabad & Bangalore. I have never ever been discriminated against in my life for being a Xian. When I read the views expressed in this blog, I'm saddened at the turn of events in our country. I feel we are going backwards in terms of religious tolerance. And I feel Hindus have the right to feel aggrieved because in the name of minority rights, minority appeasement is what is being practised in our country.
In a country where the minorities are treated on par (in fact better) with the majority, I don't see the need for special privileges for educational institutions etc. Because of all these policies coupled with jihadi Islamism & Evangelistic Xianity, we are alienating our Hindu brothers and helping the rise of VHP & Bajrang Dal types.

sansk said...

so, looks like American senators in Navada have more religious freedom, which they exercise by shouting down a Chaplain just because he happens to be Hindu.

Off course the same facily is not afforded to Hindu majority in Indian parliament and state assmeblies.