Tuesday, July 03, 2007

amazing how precisely this applies to christist fanatics as well

jul 3rd, 2007

christists view india the same way: as the land of unbelief that they
must convert to the land of their faith by any and all means possible.
they have one more goal, though: the expropriation and exploitation of
other cultures. mohammedans clearly do not have that, they simply want
to destroy all culture that is not mohammedan.

just replace 'mohammedan' with 'christist' in the following and you'll
see what i mean.

but who is asking christists to renounce terror and violence? nobody.
if any hindu does, he is immediately branded a communalist



My plea to fellow Muslims: you must renounce terror
Hassan Butt
The Observer
July 1, 2007

As the bombers return to Britain, Hassan Butt, who was once a member of
radical group Al-Muhajiroun, raising funds for extremists and calling
for attacks on British citizens, explains why he was wrong.

When I was still a member of what is probably best termed the British
Jihadi Network, a series of semi-autonomous British Muslim terrorist
groups linked by a single ideology, I remember how we used to laugh in
celebration whenever people on TV proclaimed that the sole cause for
Islamic acts of terror like 9/11, the Madrid bombings and 7/7 was
Western foreign policy.

By blaming the government for our actions, those who pushed the 'Blair's
bombs' line did our propaganda work for us. More important, they also
helped to draw away any critical examination from the real engine of our
violence: Islamic theology....


sansk said...

Guys...(assuming only males frequent this blog :-))

here is the delicious story of the day.


sansk said...

however much I cheer the idea of pakistan's descent into anarchy, there is a distinct feeling of unease. pakis are experts in 'sharing' their internal problems with neighbors.

Christian said...

There he goes again.
The only condition to get on Rajeev's blog:

The article should be defamatory.
It doesn't matter about what. Even potatoes will do. After all potatoes can be quickly substituted with the word "Christist".
All said and done, his patience and persistence has to be appreciated. It's not easy to dig out filth from this maze called the internet, worse still when you have to spit venom at one religion all the time.
Keep up the good work.

Ghost Writer said...

It is actually not too hard to dig up dirt (or anything else) on the Internet. You only have to know how to use google.

Potatoes do not go around telling people how bad their 'pagan' gods are; or how terrible it would be not to be 'saved'; or undertaking 'inculturation' in order to usurp other people's perfectly good culture. Hence, you cannot substitute potato for the word Chritist.

Christist's (not potatoes) have spent the last 2000+ years digging up the dirt on other religions for the purpose of 'spitting venom plus'(while Rajeev has spent only a few months); it is the Christist 'patience and persistence' that has to be appreciated.

Christian said...

Well said Sir! Keep harping on the last 2000 years for ever. Don't look at a peaceful future. For whatever purpose your blog will serve, I wish you success in your endeavour.

I'm sorry too for using the language your contributor Abishek used. All this hatred touched a raw nerve and I lost my cool, and I sincerely regret it. If highly educated people like you think spewing hatred will help Hinduism in any way, so be it. I for one will not do it.

Good luck!

rightmallu said...

Well said Sir! Keep harping on the last 2000 years for ever. Don't look at a peaceful future. For whatever purpose your blog will serve, I wish you success in your endeavour.

I'm sorry too for using the language your contributor Abishek used. All this hatred touched a raw nerve and I lost my cool, and I sincerely regret it. If highly educated people like you think spewing hatred will help Hinduism in any way, so be it. I for one will not do it.

rightmallu said...

I sincerely apologize for being a nuisance on this forum.

Frankly speaking if you think christians are no good, they are not, as they are a minority, they depend on your support.

I have been called sick and foolish. Ok I am. happy?

Ghost Writer said...

Christian and rightmallu,

The future is contained in the past. Besides, Christist aggression is not a matter of the past.I desire peace as much as the other person - just not the 'peace in our time' kind.

You are welcome to do or not do what you please; as long as you don't interfere with the rights of other educated (or for that matter uneducated) people to say what they want. What will help or not help Hinduism is best left to the Hindus to sort out for themselves. All this Christist anxiety to 'help' others, what can I say?

As for spewing hatred - Christist's that live in glass houses etc. etc.

rightmallu said...

third grade stuff!

rightmallu said...

Am I a joker tell me?

rightmallu said...

Goes on to prove what a crooked guy you are. You only want to hear what you want to hear. Hacking an ID is no great job. But it's cheap coz you loose credibility.

rightmallu said...

I have split personality and I am delusional. I feel alternately repententa and pissed off.I am undergoing psyhciatric treatent. Please forgive me.

Unknown said...
