Thursday, June 07, 2007

why the us cannot simply cut and run from iraq

june 7th, 2007

i have expressed some similar sentiments before: if the yanks retreat, it would be such a boost for mohammedans and their triumphalist terrorism that the us would become much like india.

that is, the biggest victim of terrorism (which india is -- it has the largest number of citizens killed by terrorists of various stripes, but predominantly by mohammedans and communists).


sansk said...

there are not many possible alternatives in the current scenario.

1. GWB's democrtic (?) opponents clamour for a cut and run, which GWB won't accept as long as he is Prez. Result: increasing friction between congress and white house. Deadlock can be broken either by GWB declaring victory and basically do what China did when Vietnam gave Mao's hordes a very bloody nose.

2. GWB becomes desperate to achieve something in Iraq, that some where he decides to utilise the nuclear briefcase, e.g. in Shia dominated area of Iraq, or Iran itself.

sansk said...

does anyone remember when was the last time USA won a hot military war in the battlefield ?