Thursday, June 28, 2007

Spindian Express -- taking cudgels for the left

More spin from the Spindian Express.

Of particular note is the opening line:
Left parties have, justifiably, prided themselves on two attributes: probity in public life and a secular, modern outlook that takes a particularly dim view of public religiosity.

This is good to know -- by this yardstick, the Left rascals should have no compunctions in coming clean about their high treason in 1962 during the Indo-China war.

And by the way -- the left does not like Religiosity unless it is to their God -- Mao.
In that, they're like the other exclusivist ideologies that strut around calling themselves "Religions".


KapiDhwaja said...

AGWorld, small nitpicking. The Left were and still are traitors. The Sino-Indo war was in 1962, not 1965.

AGworld said...

Noted and corrected

Wildcat said...

A couple of days ago I read an article in the Hindi paper Amar Ujala by Comrade Sitaram Yechuty. The guy was trying to tell us who had to fought, the BJP or the govt. (on the nuclear issue). And guess what - he simply HAD to make an inane quotation from Comrade Stalin to justify his stance. Oh yes, he did refer to him as Comrade. I thought these guys would be ashamed of a mass murderer like Stalin and his misdeeds. But for them Stalin is still a god. So gulags, firing squads, midnight knocks, etc etc are all right. I wonder what Yechury has to say about Pol Pot?