Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Media spin on downward mobility

Frontline finds another chance to fault the BJP government in Rajasthan.
Note the blatant deceit (oops, sorry, reportage)
RAJASTHAN burned for four days following the Bharatiya Janata Party government's brutal suppression of an agitation by the Gujjar community for inclusion in the Scheduled Tribe category. The police action against the agitators claimed the lives of 26 persons and left several injured.
Brutal suppression? Was it not the Gujjars who murdered -- nay hacked to death -- a bunch of policemen? And what, in Frontline's vaunted opinion, is the Police supposed to do? Twiddle their thumbs?
Or maybe do a Tianamen-style pogrom -- but that is forgivable only if the murdering government is Communist.

The Hindustan Times, on the other hand, is calling this a political masterstroke on Raje's part.

Whatever the media claims, the loser in this is obvious: Hindu samaj and India.

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