Sunday, August 06, 2006

aug 6th is hiroshima day

aug 5th, 2006

the americans dropped the bombs on japan because japan couldn't retaliate. as simple as that.
they are hobbling india's nuclear program so that india cannot retaliate if the seventh fleet were to make another appearance in the bay of bengal and shoot a few missiles at, say, vishakhapatnam.

or if the chinese flatten delhi.

or if the pakistanis attack mumbai.

americans would never attack anybody who could inflict serious and equal damage on them. the body-bad syndrome in action. this is why the chinese are rapidly building up their ICBM arsenal and periodically letting it be known that they can take out los angeles and san francisco.

in years to come, we will look back on 2006 as the year in which india became a totally third-rate power. thank you, manmohan singh, thank you, sonia gandhi, thank you, sitaram yechuri. the americans and the chinese must be thanking their gods daily for your largesse.

there is no substitute for two things: a) military power, b) the balls to use it when needed.

i am of the opinion that it is worth calling the pakistani bluff and doing some cross-border attacks on their terrorist training camps. i doubt if the pakistanis will be able to get their screwdriver missiles off in time -- they will be scrambling to read the chinese-language manuals.

this is a high-risk strategy if and only if india does not have working nuclear bombs and nuclear missiles. if that is the case -- and maybe some of the bharat-rakshak types may know more about this than i do -- then we are screwed anyway, and that would be the result of the voluntary cuts in military spending put into place by the congress some years ago.

whichever way you look at it, it's the congress' fault (iamdemocracy please note).

1 comment:

TallIndian said...

Here's one for the brain trust at this site

India bans Arab TV Channels under Israeli Pressure

In a country widely referred to as the world’s largest democracy, the Indian government has succumbed to mounting Israeli pressure and ordered a nationwide ban on the broadcast of Arab television channels