Thursday, August 24, 2006

turns out the aztecs did not go gentle into that good night either

aug 23rd, 2006

thank you, san, for the pointer.

yvette rosser has talked about the fact that there was continuous hindu resistance over centuries to the mohammedan invaders. it is not as though the mohammedans simply walked in and took over (and the 'oppressed' hindus welcomed them with marigold garlands).

it's good to see that the aztecs were also not in awe of the spaniards and kowtowing to them as 'gods', as the mythology written by europeans suggests. so much for mythmaking by the white guys.

also note that the spanish victory over the aztecs was accomplished with the collusion and collaboration of locals; does this remind anybody of what happened in india? in particular, what happened at vijayanagar?

and also about what's happening in india *today* with the compradors, fellow-travelers and fifth columnists, and just plain judases?

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