Saturday, August 26, 2006

arjun and manmohan having a fit over 'illtreatment of indians'

aug 26th, 2006

only because the victims were mohammedans. since when is arjun duryodhanbhai worried about indians? he's only singing for his supper, salivating over a 'secular' payoff.

these travelers actually deserve no sympathy. why on earth were they acting like idiots on a plane, especially when 'flying while mohammedan' with long beards and knee-length kurtas? this is inviting trouble. they were handing around their cellphones, get this, which didn't have SIM cards! (although one of them apparently got a call *while* the plane was taking off. i dont know if that is an embellishment). and they were changing seats. and they refused to put on their seatbelts. and they refused to turn off their phones.

and this about a week after a major alert about pakistanis planning huge terrorism on planes. surely, these guys had read the papers? and surely they were not that dumb, being indian mohammedans, as opposed to pakistani mohammedans?

after all this, they deserved to be arrested. and in fact, they should be fined whatever it cost the airline in dumping fuel, the dutch airforce in scrambling jets, etc.

on second thoughts, no, because the fine will be paid by the indian taxpayer thanks to magnanimous arjun duryodhan singh.


Ghost Writer said...

I am totally with you on this one. Why is this government complaining to the Dutch for doing their job? If you dont wear seat belts, switch seats and use phones when asked not to do so - you have no right to complain about "profiling" and "racism".
More importantly compare and contrast this with an incident some years ago - remember you wrote about this one ? Welcome to America, here are your handcuffs Why is it that in that case you cannot "summon" the Yankees and "convey your unhapiness"? Was it because in that case the Indian citizens were not "Poor Muslims"? even if they did nothing suspicious (like using cell phones for e.g.).
So let's all just beat up the Dutch. Coming soon to the Dutch embassy in New Delhi- "NGO's and Human Rights demonstrations"

siva said...
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siva said...


By calling Arjun as Arjun Duryodhanbhai you are insulting Duryodhanan. Duryodhanan had lot of good qualities in spite of him being on the wrong side of history. Arjun Singh on the other hand is a low life slime ball fit to be in the sewer.