Saturday, August 26, 2006

this is a problem?

aug 26th, 2006

musharraf = a creation of the yanks

ltte = a creation of the yanks

so if they fight, what is india's problem? i guess it may be a problem for the yanks, i can see that.

in fact, some good may come of it. the ltte may assassinate a few pakistani generals. therefore a pakistani-ltte fight should be actively encouraged by india. for instance, weapons with pakistani markings should be 'mysteriously' unearthed by ltte when they raid some sri lankan army post. and weapons with ltte markings should 'mysteriously' be found in pakistan.

remember the old panchatantra tale of the monkey dividing the chapati between two cats? something along those lines.

it is a *good* thing for these thugs to be at loggerheads with each other.

1 comment:

iamfordemocracy said...

Hindus will do well to point out and focus on divisions and disagreements between their enemies. Every right thinking Indian should start using terms such as catholics, sunnis, shias, ahemadias, sufi, Marxist-Leninists, and so on much more often than using general terms such as Christians, Communists, and Muslims.