Friday, September 10, 2021

lee kuan yew's wise words on pak

The Grandmaster's Insights on China, the United States, and the World, first published in 2013 by MIT Press.  
"To stop the increase in terrorist recruits, the US and Europe must discredit extremist ideology, which takes Qu'ranic passages out of context, preaches hatred against non-Muslims, and seeks to spread Islam through violence. Muslims who want to be a part of the modern world of science and technology must confront and stop these Islamists from preaching violence and hatred. They must get the Muslim scholars and religious teachers to preach that Islam is a religion of peace, not terror, and that it is tolerant of other peoples and their faiths… In countries where Muslims are a minority, as in Britain, they must take a clear-cut stand against Islamist terrorists… In Muslim countries such as Pakistan and Iraq, Muslims will be forced to confront the Islamists or witness their governments being overthrown and their people dragged back into a feudal past, just as the Taliban did in Afghanistan.
"The United States must be more multilateral in its approach to isolating jihadist groups and rally Europe, Russia, China, India, and all non-Muslim governments to its cause, along with many moderate Muslims. A worldwide coalition is necessary to fight the fires of hatred that the Islamist fanatics are fanning. When moderate Muslim governments, such as those in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Persian Gulf states, Egypt, and Jordan, feel comfortable associating themselves openly with a multilateral coalition against Islamist terrorism, the tide of battle will turn against the extremists…
"We should learn to live with the Pakistan-terror nexus for a long time. My fear is Pakistan may well get worse." -- Lee Kuan Yew

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