interesting stories of SC experience:
1. from mondal, a founder of pak
2. related to congress leader mevani who's allegedly a champion of SC rights:
jaffrelot is a known hindu hater, so i'd take his views with a huge pinch of salt.


sent from xiaomi redmi note 5, so please excuse brevity and typos
It was not CJ but that Karsevak himself who wrote this:
I Could Not Be Hindu : The Story of a Dalit in the RSS
We now know why Adivasis and "low-caste" folks were at the forefront of Babri event -- because the so-called defenders of Hindus got off the train and went back home. With no shame, they later threw away the food prepared by the same outcaste karsevak. Hindu samaj will be better off identifying and exposing these Lehenga wearing Kshatriyas.
Pagan - you have authenticated the story - as CJ has?
pagan, let me bring to your attention in 2019, during the kerala floods, allegedly 'caste-less' christians made a big fuss because they were put in a shelter with SC people, and couldn't bear to cook and eat with them. then the 'caste-less' commie government of kerala moved the 'caste-less' christians to a separate shelter where they didn't have to deal with the SC. i bet jaffrelot will never mention this. kerala christians claim they are ALL converted nambudiri brahmins, and are extremely casteist. whereas in actual fact the vast majority of them are converted OBCs from the timeframe post-1819. Rajeev
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