Monday, September 10, 2007

Educated kashmiri woman the new face of terrorism

Ladies and Gentlement: the next Ishrat Jehan is here.

So we've been told by the ELM and leading lights like the Economist that Mohammedans in India are oppressed, and that India has better "watch out" if they go radical.

Well they're not (oppressed) but they have (gone radical), but India is still not "watching out"

The latest Ishrat caught in Kashmir is no deprived, orphaned, raped moll -- she's a law student, a child of settled, respectable parents; a child of a educationist mother and policeman father.

A girl smart enough to be a lawyer,of respectable lineage turns to terror, and no one could be bothered.

Shikhandi Singh and Co. -- where have you disappeared? Or are you sleeping peacefully?

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