Saturday, September 15, 2007

Some Indian states limit religious freedom: US report

Some Indian states do limit religious freedom. But, this Yank report turns logic
on its head, probably in service of the "christian persecution" industry.
The Indian Union has always constricted the religious freedom of Hindus.

Some states are more guilty of this than others:

1. Jammu & Kashmir - which recently legislated Sharia as the civil law.
Hindus and Buddhists subjected to religious cleansing by muslim terrorists
2. Kerala - where Hindus constitute less than 50% of the population and
the Mullah/Missionary/Marxist government persecutes Hindus and interferes in their
religious institutions.
3. Tamil Nadu - where the "Dravidian" monkeys persecute Hindus and openly encourage
vilification of Hindu religion and christian proselytisation.
4. West Bengal - where the Marxist comrades persecute Hindu believers and interfere
in religious and cultural tradition. Hindus suffer great indignities under
Bangladeshi Mohammedan domination in several districts.
5. Assam - where Hindus are fast becoming a minority and where Hindus are routinely
massacred by anti-national elements
6. Meghalaya,Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland - all christian majority states with
minuscule Hindu populations routinely subjected to terrorist attacks
7. Arunachal Pradesh, Tripura - fast becoming christian majority through forced
conversion of local Hindus under duress
8. Andhra Pradesh - under the Samuel Reddy regime, which provides government funding
for the construction of christian churches and supports evangelism by all means
and in the most unlikely places, including jails, hospitals, hostels and Hindu
9. vast Muslim majority stretches of Bihar, Uttar Pradesh where Hindus are reduced
to a status of second class citizens.

Will anyone take note this real oppression and lack of religious freedom ?


Ghost Writer said...


This 'report' is issued by the Office of International Religious Freedom , whose Christian credentials are well established and analyzed in a very long post here

This is the US Sarkaari mouthpiece of the Church-goers - based on the say so of an American author.

Of course, the Indian press cannot be bothered about that - as everything that comes out of America is the - er - 'gospel truth' - if you will pardon the pun

benjamin rualthanzauva said...

6. Meghalaya,Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland - all christian majority states with
minuscule Hindu populations routinely subjected to terrorist attacks

- You can exclude Mizoram from the list. I do not see how Mizoram limit relogious freedom.

karyakarta92 said...


Thanks for the incisive analysis.
"Office of International Religious Freedom" indeed.

"rualthanzauva" - how was the christian majority in Mizoram manufactured, if not by oppression of Hindus? Predictably, the evangelical Yank report is silent regarding the "lost Jewish tribes" that were discovered in Mizoram.
Members of these tribes were converting to Judaism. The christist padres in Mizoram raised hell against such conversion and even forced the secular Indian government to ban visits by Jewish Rabbis from Israel !

J Akshay Iyer said...


Whats the point in shouting yourself hoarse from a hilltop where no one can hear you.

Your passion is understandable but mere words with no actions achieves nothing.

I would rather you restore the dignity and pride of Hindus and Hinduism through some concrete actions than just mouthing raging speeches and writing passionate articles that many don't even read.

Seriously, if you want yourself to be taken a little more seriously, then you need to move beyond just words.

All the best!