I do not understand why Indian companies feel the need to invest heavily into intolerant Islamic hellholes like Malaysia ? Have they anticipated the risks of being governed de facto, by Shariah law? And forgotten how Indian techies were treated like cattle a few years ago, not to speak of persecution of all non-muslim communities in Malaysia.
Another instance of this suicidal investment strategy are the Tatas who plan to invest a few billion dollars to set up Steel plants in Bangladesh. It makes no sense given the demographic warfare and sponsorship of islamic terrorism against India that East Pakistan persists with. Even in purely economic terms, when East Pakistan refuses to sell natural gas to India or give transit rights to Indian freight through it's territory, can it be a reliable economic partner or investment destination?
Why not invest such money in resource rich, remote parts of India such as Jharkhand, Chattisgarh and the north-eastern states instead?
At any rate, why would you want to contribute to your enemy's prosperity when his intentions and track record should be evident ?
did you guys read about the 'Ram did not exist' affadavit..should energise the right..
if Hindus accept today's dirty comment from the government with a 'chulta hai' response, I think we can be pretty sure what the future holds for them
english media papers are already saying that because of this secular fart, BJP is angry and VHP is miffed, in other words, it is a non-issue no Indian citizen is worried about
Malaysia also has some 8-10% hindu tamil population who suffer from terrible oppression. If Satyam can give employment to them on a preferred basis [of course not openly :-), then to some extent it is not a bad idea to open up a center there.
But otherwise I agree with you that indian companies should not invest a dime in muslim countries.
Software companies in Malaysia employ Indians from India. So take it easy. Besides, India is also an Islamic/Communist/Christist state.
Such investments in foreign countries should go through concerned government agencies. Government will not approve such endeavours unless government of India sees any long term or short term benefits out of it.
Be assured there will be something in return for India it this endeavor which looks like madness on the surface but is a good tactic on long term basis.
There is a lot India can export to Malaysia and don't under estimate that there are only few islamic countries that India can do business with and Malaysia is top on that list.
Hope this cools down some of your anxities.
Coming to Ram sethu bridge. The look alikes of the traces of bridge are very common everywhere. It does not indicate that this is real bridge constructed during Ramayana period. Such traces/tracks which are look like bridges can be found plenty in and around US, Australia as they are surrounded by islands. This only proves that Planet earth was one large mass of earth which only got disintegrated over the time leaving such traces. Look at the map and you will get the picture.
Existence or non-existence of RAM, Allah, Jesus or not important. What they convey to us is important and should become topics of interest and arguements.
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