Saturday, September 01, 2007

'Britain tested poison gas on Indian soldiers'

As first posted by reader witan
Interesting that when Saddam does something like this on his own population he is a war criminal - but when the British do so on their own soldiers (even if they do not consider them their own) - not a squeak from anyone - and you will never see this piece in the likes of the Economists - what with the "prickly nationalism" and all.

This is par for the course for British savagery - food rations for Indians involved in hard labor were smaller than the Nazi war camps for Jews, they completely destroyed our industry and abundant organic agriculture, misappropriated our traditions and let loose their colonial-missionary combine on the hapless Hindus. If that is not enought they invent stories about the black hole of Calcutta to make it seem that the Indians are the barbaric ones.

And after all this - that vermin Nirad Chaudhary (and this case even regretably Sir V S Naipaul) thinks it a blessing to have been colonised by them. The solution is to try the British monarchy (it was their misrule after all) for war crimes / crimes against humanity- Bengal, Jalianwalla Bagh, Rawalpindi Mustard Gassing ... the list is endless


witan said...

I have posted the same news (as reported in The Guardian) at

But today morning, I received another shock, from the Hindustan Times. I am not referring to the gassing horror, but to a map of Afghanistan and Pakistan, in the news story ”THE BIRTH OF AL QAEDASTAN”. (You will find it in the "print" edition, but probably not in the Web edition). The map and other photographs are ascribed to REUTERS, and it shows most of Kashmir as Pakistan territory. Our own “Hindustan” Times!!!

Ghost Writer said...


Apologize that I did not see your posting on the blog earlier - which I am glad to borrow from. I will edit the post shortly to reflect authorship.
Yes - the Hindustan Times is more a Pakistani paper than Indian. it gave voice to the Khushwant Singh's and Kuldip Nayyar's of the world for way too long

ramesh said...

Ghost Writer pls don’t call Nirad C a “vermin.” It’s true that he was too much of an anglophile but he was an OUTSTANDONG intellectual and unlike the likes of Kushwant “asshole” Singh, etc. was never a “muslim” apologist. Incidentally Nehru (who caused more damage to India than perhaps anybody else) did not like Nirad, which itself is a great compliment. Nirad’s view on the Hindu – Muslim conflict are brilliant. See this link: Nirad really puts things in a nutshell

witan said...

Ghost Writer
NO APOLOGY FROM YOU IS NEEDED. Rajeev's team, including you, is doing a great job, without getting any material returns. In any case, I don't have a "copyright" on what is published in the Internet public domain.
My "shock" was due to the disclosure that British military scientists used Indian soldiers like laboratory rats for testing the effects of poison gas, but then, having been a scientist myself, I should have remembered that the scientist community in general does not place much value on ethics, especially bio-ethics.
I remember, for example, the illegal drug trials conducted between November 1999 and February 2000, at the Regional Cancer Centre, Thiruvananthapuram, in association with the Johns Hopkins University. These trials were violative of norms and without the full informed consent of the patients. Both the RCC and Johns Hopkins University later admitted to this after the government conducted enquiries. However, no action was taken against the erring "scientists" or officials.
Also, much earlier, I have seen on TV how a so-called "contraceptive vaccine" invented by an Indian "scientist" was being field-tested on women. The "human subjects" of the testing were being told that it was "an injection" just like what their doctors would give them when they fell ill. The then health minister, the late Rangarajan Kumaramangalam, had praised the said "scientist" to the heavens, and had remarked he was sure to get a Nobel prize. The "contraceptive vaccine" was the topic of a much wider controversy, and the said "scientist" was also accused of a few other unethical actions, but this blog is probably not the place to discuss it. This was more than twenty years ago, but things have not changed much. Unethical or illegal drug-testing is a very difficult problem to tackle, especially in our country because "informed consent" is meaningless when it is obtained from uneducated or illiterate human "subjects".

karyakarta92 said...

This is one of the reasons why India's nuclear deterrent cannot be emasculated. India needs to have ICBMS with an ability to deliver thermonuclear weapons, at least to all those countries which ever colonised any part of India.
This would include England, Portugal, Denmark, France, Holland and of course, all the Muslim countries.
And on another note, I do believe that the British barbarians were
barbaric to a lesser degree in comparison to other Europeans such as the Portuguese and definitely less barbaric than the Muslim invaders.
This is not to eulogise the bloody limeys. We're talking "degrees of barbarism" here...

Ghost Writer said...

@ witan
I take your point about Nirad's insight into Islam - specially the "permanent revolution" bit.

However, here was a man shaped & captivated by the colonial experience - if a guy writes a magnificent book about the "scholar" Max Muller - well I guess that is when you have to start being pessimistic. Especially - as Nirad Babu knew Sanskrit - and should have known better when it came to dating Vedas (based on Bible myths) or the Aryan invasion nonsense.

Niradbabu is to Indian intellectuals what Michael Madhusudha Dutt is to Indian poets - just another fake "I wish I were English" pretend gentleman. When it comes to understanding the impact of Britain on India - nobody will remember his work in another 50 years.... and yes - I do not think he was harsh enough on the ones that caused the great Bengal famines. I would much rather read Ram Swarup.

Ghost Writer said...

Sorry - the last comment was for reader ramesh

witan said...

Here is another case of unethical testing on human subjects -- this one by academic, not military, "scientists".
Huge payout in US stuttering case
“Six US citizens who, as children, were used in an experiment that tried to induce stuttering have been awarded nearly $1m (£500,000) in compensation.
“In 1939, the plaintiffs - all orphans in state care - were tormented for six months by Iowa University researchers.
“The study was testing the theory that children develop speech impediments because of psychological pressure.
“In 2001, those involved learned the truth behind their treatment, and sued, originally seeking $13.5m in damages.
“The six, now in their 70s and 80s, said the experiment had left them with psychological and emotional scars. .....”

Ghost Writer,
Have read your comment and its correction saying it was “for reader ramesh”.

ramesh said...

Point conceded & thanks. I too prefer ram Swarup (no question of comparing him to Nirad). But give me Nirac C anyday too chaps like Guha.