Thursday, July 05, 2007

mullah heading besieged pakistani mosque caught sneaking out in burqa

jul 5th, 2007

this is a remarkable story.

1. the previously fire-breathing mullah said he wanted to leave
'because conditions were intolerable' inside the mosque when it was
under fire. speaks volumes about his courage.

2. instead of coming out honorably he attempted to sneak out
pretending to be a (normally despised) woman. this speaks more volumes
about his courage and also his willingness to indulge in al-taqiyah.

3. he almost got away with it. shows why burqas are a security risk.
you can carry all sorts of weapons underneath and you can easily be a
man. thus the burqa in reality acts as a combat uniforum. the
implications are scary: any burqa-clad entity is a potential male
terrorist or suicide bomber. that is a really scary thought.

i don't think any of this is going to affect musharraf. but the fact
that a mullah, a leader of the insurrection, was shamed thus in
pakistan is remarkable. if the man has any sense of shame, he'd feel
totally humiliated. but then, he can rationalize all this as
al-taqiyah, just another tactic in the interest of mohammedanism.


sansk said...

as was expected of Musharraf, his government has sent this burqamullah for a TV interview in his burqa :-)

further, as expected the buqamullah flew through the TV interview without slightest hint of embarrassment, in fact smiling.

Guy, I seriously need some youtube or similar link to this performance to be recorded as an example of islamic bravery.

san said...

So now we know why Pakistan has been bragging that it leads in Aunty-terrorist activities:

We just weren't listening closely enough.

san said...

Anyhow, it looks like "Operation Redstar" against the Lal Masjid is still dragging on. Where is the international outrage? Where is SCAMnesty International?