Sunday, June 10, 2007

what happens to old indian revolutionaries: they are discarded

june 9th, 2007

a sobering story. it's not only whites, but blacks and yellows who use the brown man and then discard him like a used tissue when they have attained their goals.

this just emphasizes the fact that we have no friends. they are all trying to use us.

in south africa, there was another trade union leader, the fiery COSATU man whose name escapes me now, who was also, like mac maharaj, a major player in the freedom struggle in south africa. but when freedom came, the blacks got all the spoils, and the indians were marginalized.

similarly, in singapore there is the sad story of devan nair, who was humiliated and labelled a drunkard when that was convenient for the lee kuan yew dynasty.

heck, this happens in india too, all those freedom fighters who have been discarded and trampled on in the official history of the struggle written by the 'eminent historians', and who were nowhere to be seen when the Dynasty took all the spoils.

old revolutionaries don't die, they just fade into the sunset.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is true. That is why "multiculturalism" and rainbow
coalition are complete BS. But to be fair, even the blacks and yellows use each other. For example, the Vincent Chin murder was not supported by any other "minority" organization like the NAACP etc. The white murderers were given extremely lenient sentences by the judge. Even the whites and yellows use and throw each other. There is so much racial hostility between Mexicans and blacks in CA. So we Indians also should learn to use and throw other races