Sunday, June 03, 2007

Top 10 Signs...

Top 10 Signs You're a Christian Fundamentalist


siva said...

May I ask why a blog administrator is removing iamfordemocracy's post regularly? I know Rajeev has mentioned earlier that he would do it, but I thought he said that in passing. Is iamfordemocracy that bad?

iamfordemocracy said...
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exosing christianity's true agenda said...

I think this is good to expose fundamentalist christianity for what it is, but in and of itself, I am not sure how effective this approach is in strengthening our Faith.

I think we Hindus have to definitely point out the REAL christian agenda---how christism is used as a tool of white domination, but at the same time, we have to look in the mirror.

Unlike what the BBC states, there are not droves of untouchables converting to christianity, but why are the tribals and certain segments of Indian society finding solace in christianity? Why is Hinduism not able to accomodate these segments despite the unbelievable tolerance, depth, and breadth of our religion?

It's vital that we answer these questions before we use disparaging terms. I think the insult is the final refuge of the defeated person. We should never fall into this trap.

Instead we must ask---What in our wonderful faith is not being emphasized? Why are we not reaching some of our brothers and sisters? What can we do to accomodate as many people as possible?

If we extend this same thought to India as a nation---

1. Why are Hindus committing suicide to elect a high-school dropout who clearly HATES Hindus?

2. Why is Microsoft 20% Indian but India cannot produce a SINGLE software product? Where is India's answer to Microsoft? Where is India's Google?

3. We are SO PROUD that so many Indians work in Silicon Valley, and we cite so many articles in Fortune and Forbes that laud India's growth---BUT, all these Indians (including me) work in direct competition against Indian companies. Why is this? If Silicon Valley or Bangalore had as many British people working in the same %age as Indians are, they would have swallowed the entire world by now. What is it that we are lacking? Is it some innate desire to dominate the world that the Anglo-Saxon race has that we Indians completely lack? What makes the English so aggressive and obsessed with dominating the entire world? Why are we so meek and satisfied with so little? Have we been tricked into thinking that we can delay gratification for the next life? If so, Macaulay can rest in peace knowing that his legacy lives immortal.

Indians have already broken out the champagne and are doing victory laps, but we are actually in deep trouble. We are really running out of time. This is a race and we are way behind in every sense.

How can we convey Hinduism to show it's true beauty and what a tremendous benefit it has for all mankind?

Think about it...

Shahryar said...

For those people who can't be bothered to read the Bible, may I recommend this synopsis, Blogging the Bible.

DarkStorm said...

Well, Siva,

IAFD's reply to my post about a week ago is still there. Depends on the content and context of his comments, I suppose.

iamfordemocracy said...
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