Saturday, June 16, 2007

Sudha M - on India's energy dependence

This three part series really did have me scared about just where India is headed (or not headed) with it's energy needs.
It deserves to be read in full because it holds the key to understanding many things including

1- Why rags such as the Economist and NYT suddenly love to hate Putin (because he screws them over and has no compunctions in dealing with anyone that wants to buy)
2- Why China will win in the long run if things go on like this. Having said that China is in a bad zone as well with high transport costs from everywhere - except Russia and Central Asia
3- Why (In keeping with 2-) above), China has invested heavily in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) - so as to curtail American influence and dilute Russian dominance
4- Why the key to Pakistan's future survival (and India's demise) is the Gwadar port - it means that oil to China does not have to travel through the Straits of Malacca; thus lowering costs (and neutralising an Indo-US naval blockade). As a bonus to China - they will let their lackeys in Pakistan eat a few crumbs from the oil flow - just enough to fund the ISI!
5- Why in the long run Pakistan has tied itself to Chinese - and not American - dominance in the region. As on 'terrorism' so in energy - the Pakis play Uncle Sam.
6- Why Pakistan will never allow the Iran-Pakistan-India pipeline (so much for Wagah candle-lighting)
7- Why on a 'nuclear co-operation' act passed by the US Congress; India's relationship with a third country - Iran finds mention.After all, once we have estranged ourselves of the Iranians; we have to supplicate to mighty Yankee to play Daddy
8- Why to achieve above goal 7) above- Tom Lantos and other dirty mouth Congressmen write friendly public 'love letters' to our Prime Minister
9- Why Iran desperately wants the Yankees project in Iraq to fail - so that it can do as it pleases with it's own oil. (including sell it to us)

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