Saturday, July 31, 2021

why isn't BJP using the parliament disruptions to pass some bills?

genuine question:

if congress is disrupting parliament, walking out etc., isn't this a golden chance to pass bills BJP wants? why not repeal RTE, pass UCC, etc? recent SC judgment (kerala assembly case) says legislators have no privilege to be disruptive. use that to suspend any unruly MPs.

Quick notes: Buy, borrow, die | For-profit tutoring...

  • Buy, borrow, die: How the wealthy live off their paper wealth. Wealthy people borrow against their portfolios to avoid selling in a hot market.

  • China Bans For-Profit School Tutoring: “The out-of-school education industry has been severely hijacked by capital that broke the nature of education as welfare.” Classes for art or music mostly would not fall under the new restrictions. Among other things, they also ban the teaching of foreign curriculums and forbid the hiring of foreign teachers outside of China.

  • 'Amazon bypassing Indian law': Shein was among the prominent Chinese apps banned after face-off in Galwan Valley.. Shein is now making a backdoor entry in India through the Amazon Prime Day sale.

    Ending the Amazon marketplace: Amazon's relationship with its third-party sellers has become a major focal point for the company's critics.

  • German gymnasts' outfits take on sexualisation in sport: "As a little girl I didn't see the tight gym outfits as such a big deal. But when puberty began, when my period came, I began feeling increasingly uncomfortable."

    Sexist sports dress codes must take a leaf out of Ancient India

  • Chinese accuse Indian referee of bias: China’s latest ugly conspiracy theory was refined on Thursday to more specific allegations that Xiao was wronged by Indian referee Deepak Kabra because he wrote a tweet during the 2019 Military World Games in which he said the Chinese team was dominating the competition and “someone should stop them from a clean sweep.”

  • Sodium-ion batteries China's CATL unveils sodium-ion batteries - quicker charging and greater thermal stability than lithium-ion. 200 Wh/kg.

  • Why is China smashing its tech industry: Why do Americans equate “tech” with companies like Google, Amazon and Facebook, anyway? Technologies like Facebook and are fundamentally about leisure and consumption. But Chinese leadership have got bigger fish to fry — they have to avenge the Century of Humiliation and claim China’s rightful place in the sun. And so when China’s leaders look at what kind of technologies they want the country’s engineers and entrepreneurs to be spending their effort on, they probably don’t want them spending that effort on stuff that’s just for fun and convenience.

    U.S. antitrust action often focuses on strengthening consumer protections, but China’s crackdown is geared toward protecting govt policy. Neither Huawei nor ZTE have been targeted so far. China has outlined sectors it wants to prioritize, including semiconductors and artificial intelligence.

  • Herd immunity? Madhya Pradesh has highest covid antibodies, Kerala has least

  • Wanna excel at Calculus? A Mathematical thread

  • How to build a nation of cyclists: Tips from the Netherlands

Friday, July 30, 2021

Thursday, July 29, 2021

why is the FDA downplaying ivermectin? ka-ching for #pfizer

Gravitas: Why Is Blinken 'inspecting' Indian Democracy?

Blinken works for a Whitehouse which is busy muzzling critics, branding opponents as "white supremacists" and "terrorists" comparable to AlQaeda & ISIS. Journalists like Tucker Carlson are being wiretapped and surveilled by America's out-of-control security state without any regard for America's constitution or Bill of Rights. And yet while visiting India he goes out of its way to meet with anti-govt activists who need to screech against Modi. I think Biden's corrupt govt needs to take a look in the mirror and correct its own flaws first.

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

an impressive graph about keeping inflation under control

ok, there are tradeoffs, but this is not a bad picture at all, considering the consistent 10%+ inflation under the Great Economist and the Dream Team. apart from petrol prices (a bit of an anomaly), general inflation is what hits us in the solar plexus directly. h/t @theemissaryco

these big tech guys need to be broken up

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

the contents of the pfizer contract. coercion and strong-arm tactics.

this threadunroll is a gem. the east india company would be green with envy. i am sure china is taking notes for its next BRI contract. 

the actual pfizer contract offered to albania is (purportedly) at:

here is a set of comments on the contents of the contract. it incredible that anybody would sign this. except if there's a gun to their head. 

and of course there is. pfizer (and the other mRNA vaccine from moderna) have been anointed as the BEST and ONLY vaccines in the world. 

THIS is why there's been this big effort to deprecate covaxin. and covishield. and anything else that stands in the way of pfizer being the only vaccine left standing. 

'wall street cannot fix trump': that's the real takeaway

management consultants and CEOs who swore by the chinese supply chain, and wall street which made money in china, were fifth columnists.

'wall street cannot fix trump'. so they got rid of him. (this is why they are using the same template to try and get rid of modi, using 5th columnists).

i wonder if they have changed their minds after the didi and ant IPO debacles. probably not. 

i guess this video is from some time during the trump era.

Fwd: The rules-based order meets its end

meanwhile, here's a dissenting opinion. this is biden (or, to be more precise, his staff) kowtowing like mad. 

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: "Bruno Maçães " <>
Date: Mon, Jul 26, 2021 at 6:34 PM
Subject: The rules-based order meets its end
To: <>

Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman meets her Chinese counterpart today in Beijing and her main message is, rather surprisingly, that the United States and China can avoid falling into a spiral of competition and conflict if only they accept the common rules governing their relationship. "The U.S. wants to ensure that there are guardrails and parameters in place to responsibly manage the relationship," a senior American diplomat told ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌

Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman meets her Chinese counterpart today in Beijing and her main message is, rather surprisingly, that the United States and China can avoid falling into a spiral of competition and conflict if only they accept the common rules governing their relationship. "The U.S. wants to ensure that there are guardrails and parameters in place to responsibly manage the relationship," a senior American diplomat told Reuters. "Everyone needs to play by the same rules and on a level playing field."

I say the message is surprising not so much because it is a lot more dovish that anything we had been told to expect from the Biden administration, but because it flies in the face of everything we have been hearing from Washington in recent years. "Play by the same rules"? How can that be if the priority of our China policy is to write the rules governing world politics and to do that before China has any chance to do the same?

"We need to write the rules of the road," repeated Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo, echoing a phrase her boss is particularly fond of:

We would do well, then, to drop the pablum of "playing by the same rules." That is not what world politics is about. The game is considerably more complex, as the main players compete not under a common set of rules but in order to define what the rules are.

I call it the "world game."


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in the "you must be kidding" department

China Shooting Down Its Own Tech Titans To Rein Them In

lies, damned lies and statistics: weaponizing alleged covid death data to attack india

massive conflict of interest

biden can't get to the bottom of this? it means he's compromised. 

of course, with sanders' socialism, warren's economics, and obama's "fiddle while china rampages", he's already compromised.

Friday, July 23, 2021

Quick notes: Submerged subway | Food wastage...

  • Modi sarkar wanted China to build our railway stations: Passengers trapped inside submerged subway as deadly floods sweep central China

  • Superpower surge: China’s CATL is stealthily winning the battery race. Its profitability far exceeds that of its global peers. Its technology has become at least as good as theirs, giving it the clout to outcompete them.

  • 'Free-trade': UK chip plant taken over by Chinese firm was developing British military tech

  • Food wastage: Richer countries in Europe, North America and Asia contribute 58% of wasted harvests globally despite having only 37% of the global population. . . . . . Did Manmohan Singh lie to Parliament when he said food waste happens only where MNCs are disallowed?

  • Speaking out of his ass: Modi says exporting skilled manpower should be India’s key strategy

  • The myth of India's population explosion: UP's fertility rate nearly halved from 4.82 in 1993 to 2.7 in 2016 - and it's expected to touch 2.1 by 2025

  • Beating fuel price rise: Tamil Nadu man spends Rs 20,000 to make e-bike that goes up to 50 km.

  • How not to build a new city: Gurugram is not a walkable city, and has very limited public transport connectivity for the masses. While it is connected to Delhi by the Metro, and its own Rapid Metro is meant for movement within the city, its scope is limited. A car is almost a necessity for even short distances.

  • Using plastic waste to help solve sand shortages: Plastic use in making concrete could save 820m tonnes of sand a year across India.

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

why south africa matters to us

The terrifying riots there have died down a bit, but not before causing significant damage. Not only the deaths, but the damage to the economy and to investor confidence must be substantial. A major oil refinery was shut down, highways were blocked, telecom towers and warehouses were torched. Thousands of small businesses as well as malls were looted, and in many cases, burnt to the ground.

From an Indian point of view, the plight of Indian-origin businesses, as well as of people of Indian origin, is of great concern. There is the naive belief in some circles that because of the Gandhi legacy (after all, he lived in that country for years) and the respect Nelson Mandela had for him, there must be some goodwill among South Africans for Indians....


So which is it? A pure political spectacle as we see in India, or is it the aakrosham of a people who were restive anyway, but have been devastated by the pandemic? It is important for us to know. South Africa is a beautiful country; it is the locomotive economy for the entire continent; and if it collapses into a failed state, it puts a big crimp into India's own Indian-Ocean-Rim based economic prospects for the future.

Monday, July 19, 2021

india's IPO boom gets attention

does this mean india's economy/currency/prospects are not in as much trouble as the doomsayers say they are?

although personally i think zomato and paytm both are overhyped and do not have lasting competitive advantage. 
i may be wrong. i have been wrong before on IPOs eg of facebook and beyondmeat.

California Passes Guaranteed Income Plan with No Restrictions

California has passed a new Guaranteed Income plan, in the name of social justice. Apparently, they don't care about the consequences to productivity or inflation.

Saturday, July 17, 2021

Gravitas: Taliban Wants Girls Above 15 to Be "Gifted to Fighters as Wives"

Apparently, waiting for 72 virgins in heaven just takes too long:

Wikipedia Founder Warns It's Now a Mouthpiece for Leftist Propaganda

 Larry Sanger, the co-founder of Wikipedia warns that the site has now become a mouthpiece for Left-wing propagandists:

  • Larry Sanger, 53, co-founded Wikipedia with Jimmy Wales in 2001 
  • He said site has been taken over by Democratic-supporting volunteer editors 
  • Sanger said left-leaning editors do not allow Wikipedia users to edit pages  
  • He mentioned the Wikipedia entry on Joe Biden as example of leftist bias 
  • Biden entry doesn't make mention of scandals and Hunter Biden laptop

Wikipedia can no longer be trusted as a source of unbiased information since the online encyclopedia's left-leaning volunteers cut out any news that doesn't fit their agenda, according to the site’s co-founder.

Larry Sanger, 53, co-founded Wikipedia in 2001 alongside Jimmy Wales, said the crowdsourcing project has betrayed its original mission by reflecting the views of the ‘establishment.’

He said he agreed with the assessment that ‘teams of Democratic-leaning volunteers’ remove content that isn’t to their liking, including information about scandals linked to President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter Biden.

When asked by if Wikipedia can be trusted, he replied: ‘You can trust it to give a reliably establishment point of view on pretty much everything.

Wikipedia can no longer be trusted as a source of unbiased information since the online encyclopedia has left-leaning volunteers cut out any edits meant to provide balance, according to the site’s co-founder, Larry Sanger (above)

Quick notes: Population control | Drone danger...

  • Population control will prove 'disastrous': India’s TFR is already down substantially to 2.2 in 2018 from 3.2 in 2000.. “International experience shows that any coercion to have a certain number of children is counter-productive and leads to demographic distortions”.

  • Group Captain Rajiv Kumar Narang on neutralizing enemy drones: A number of soft and hard kill technologies are being developed to neutralise rogue drones. Lasers can physically damage a drone while microwave systems can damage its electronic circuits. These counter-drone systems would need to be integrated with existing command-and-control centres, especially the legacy systems.

  • Drone danger: According to a hard count by Group Captain RK Narang, there are 26 private sector companies who are at the cutting edge of drone tech and doing well. It seems to me that were these 26 firms to work together per a single plan and integrate their resources, they would produce a world class series of surveillance, warfighting and attack drones including drone swarms operating in distributed (artificial) intelligence mode, as also anti-drone technologies.

    Relying on DRDO to perfect its drone and anti-drone systems, like land-based and airborne low energy lasers to shoot down drones/UAVs, and IT systems to scramble their guidance loops, is unnecessarily to lose time and money. Most countries are fast-forwarding their drone/anti-drone projects by going commercial — that is, getting companies vending whole drone systems and related technologies for commercial use, to build more rugged and capable drones and unmanned aircraft to milspecs for military use.

  • Govt releases liberal drone rules: The draft rules have reduced the yellow zone from 45km to 12km from the airport perimeter. No flight permission is required up to 400 feet in green zones and up to 200 feet in the area between 8 and 12km from the airport perimeter.

  • Comac C919 and C929: China's attempt to chip away at Boeing and Airbus

  • Atmanirbhar Russia: Russia To Build RISC-V Processors for Laptops: 8-core, 2 GHz, 12nm, 2025.

  • China Now Produces One Billion Chips a Day: Taiwan is host to TSMC, UMC and numerous makers of DRAM. South Korea has Samsung Electronics, SK Hynix, the world's largest makers of 3D NAND and DRAM memory, and a number of smaller semiconductor companies. Japanese companies no longer produce leading-edge logic chips, but the country is home to the world's largest 2D/3D NAND production facility operated by Kioxia and Western Digital. China is the world's number four producer of chips, and it is largely on par with Japan. . . . . . .India has Sardar Vallabhai Patel statue

  • Andhra Pradesh in debt trap: Centre restricts further borrowing... Samuel Reddy's legacy of reckless populism.

  • How a Mumbai family's research can help detect cancer early: “Cancer patients and the stages they were at were identified with 99% accuracy and we were also able to tell whether or not non-cancerous patients have the risk of developing cancer”.

  • Europe aims to kill gasoline and diesel cars by 2035: Transport is the only sector where greenhouse gas emissions are rising, and road vehicles accounted for 21% of CO2 emissions in 2017.

  • Hills don't exist to serve your privileged touristy asses:

Thursday, July 15, 2021

my swarajya essay and podcast on what india can learn from africa

no, it's not just the south africa situation. it's the rwanda situation, the ethiopia situation, and the south sudan situation.

we need to have a plan for africa. that's where the action is going to be. 

and we need to pay attention to them directly, instead of via the intermediary of the anglosphere.

please listen to the podcast, preferably, in my dulcet tones. :-)

Gravitas: UK PM Rips Labour Over Anti-Modi Campaign Poster

Gravitas: Why Are Indians Being Targeted in South Africa?

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

why islamism became woke by ayaan hirsi ali

great insights by ayaan hirsi ali.

i have noticed this in several instances where islamists found lefties to be great useful idiots.

1. in bangladesh. all the commies had to run away to india, or they were liquidated
2. in iran after the revolution all the communists were massacred
3. in the philippines, the lefties hooked up with the islamist separatists (in mindanao?). the islamists were far more sophisticated.
4. now i see this in kerala, and it is not going to end well for the commies.

isn't it funny there are no communists in any islamic countries?

frankly, the islamists are considerably smarter than the lefties/commies. 

Retired US Army Colonel Slams Pakistan's Dual Role in Afghanistan

my rediff column and podcast on afghanistan

the american misadventure is an  unmitigated disaster for afghans themselves, and for india.

Sunday, July 11, 2021

you can have any opinion you want (so long as it's approved by us)

madhu kishwar is the latest victim of woke american busybodies, this time on clubhouse


seems fair?

oh wait, clubhouse doesn't like it.

china harvesting DNA information from millions of women

so the idea is to have biological warfare weapons highly targeted to specific DNA.

doesn't this explain how 'delta' suddenly showed up?

Like Aurangzeb, America's Deep State Faces Grassroots Uprising

It may not look like it right now - but is the clock ticking for a reckoning with the American Deep State?
How long will obfuscation tactics like minorityism, wokeness, COVID curfews, and media/tech manipulation work? There seems to be a grassroots backlash building against the Deep State and its subversion of democratic political processes and institutions. It's hard to see how people will stay permanently cowed by shrill accusations of majoritarian chauvinism and fascism.

Narasimha Rao once mentioned the "Aurangzeb Principle". Will America's Deep State suffer the fate of an Aurangzeb, constantly facing rebellions from every corner, and unable to stop them all?

Saturday, July 10, 2021

Quick notes: Turkish influence | Challenging ARM...

  • Turkey to protect Kabul airport: Turkey's presence in Afghanistan would increase Ankara's influence in the region in the long run.. While Pakistan would support Turkey's military presence in the region, India, Russia, Iran and Saudi Arabia would oppose it.

  • China marches ahead: Open source XiangShan RISC-V processor could eventually challenge ARM Cotex-A76

    . While those babus keep stifling India:

  • Britain at the receiving end: China seizes control of Britain’s largest Microchip factory.

  • Capitalizing on chip shortage: Fake chips proliferating in China market, spreading overseas.

  • When do electric vehicles become cleaner than gasoline cars? If the electricity to recharge the EV comes entirely from coal, as happens in China and India, you would have to drive 78,700 miles to reach carbon parity with a Toyota Corolla... An EV charged from a coal-fired grid would generate an extra 4.1 million grams of carbon a year while a comparable gasoline car would produce over 4.6 million grams.

  • Perils of Betting on Beijing: After the meeting with China's regulator, Tesla issued a statement so apologetic it verged on groveling, declaring it had “sincerely accepted the guidance of government departments” and “deeply reflected on shortcomings.”. There’s little-to-no concrete evidence there’s anything wrong with the brakes in Tesla’s China-built cars.

    What is clear, however, is that the remarkable honeymoon Elon Musk enjoyed in the world’s most populous nation is over. After receiving red-carpet treatment from govt officials, who granted Tesla the unprecedented concession of allowing it to wholly control its local subsidiary, the carmaker is now being forced to rethink its strategy.

  • Solar Is Dirt-Cheap and About to Get Even More Powerful: Perovskites, Bifacial panels and Doped Polysilicon are changing the dynamics of energy market.

  • Greed vs Mother Earth: Bitcoin power plant making part of glacial lake ‘feel like a hot tub’.

  • Boy wonder: Polish kid from UK sings in Telugu

  • Slaves of CCP: Twitter restricts account of expert who mocked China leader

Thursday, July 08, 2021

US Abandons Afghanistan: Is There An Iran Angle?

US forces are now suddenly abandoning Afghanistan, leaving it ripe for a Taliban takeover. The Taliban are immediately targeting northernmost border districts in a very coordinated offensive, indicating that Pak Army are very much in charge of the military strategy.

But the question is, why has the Biden Whitehouse suddenly decided to abandon Afghanistan, especially after so strongly criticizing the Trump Whitehouse over its desire for withdrawal? Is it possible that the Whitehouse wants a Taliban takeover - perhaps in the hopes of using the Taliban to fight against Iran? Back when Taliban originally appeared and began sweeping across Afghanistan, it seemed very obvious that they were receiving support from both Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, with America's tacit approval. The goal was not only to use a Taliban-controlled Afghanistan as a springboard to Central Asia, but also to open up a new military front against Iran on its eastern border. But AlQaeda quickly jumped into the fray to make it go awry, culminating in the 9-11 attacks.

In the 20 years since then, Iran has managed to recover economically and militarily, now reaching the brink of crossing over the threshold into nuclear weapons state status. Iranian-backed guerrilla forces in Yemen are also posing an increasing threat to Saudi Arabia. Furthermore, Iran is now preparing to sign a huge strategic economic deal with China that could have very far-reaching implications. So the US may be desperately searching for a way to derail this strategic trajectory which could heavily undermine US power in the future. A Taliban takeover of Afghanistan might be just the Faustian gimmick Washington needs in order to salvage its situation - since Washington hasn't ever bothered to learn enough from its past Faustian bargains to abandon such stuntsmanship. Pakistan is feeling very economically vulnerable and overly dependent upon China, after having lost its Saudi patronage.  However, the prospect of a newly opened military front against Iran's eastern border might be enough to woo Riyadh back towards collaboration with Islamabad. Unfortunately, the trans-nationalist AlQaeda and ISIS are still in existence, including in Afghanistan, and America's newly open southern border must not have escaped their awareness. Is a new disaster in the making?

America's Security State Intimidates Politicians

Wednesday, July 07, 2021

Tuesday, July 06, 2021

25%? didi is a classic sting operation, and the suckers fell for it

due diligence, my foot.

it's a first-class sting operation (remember the paul newman-robert redford movie?)

i forgot the phrase, what's it, "talk it up, get the suckers to buy in, then dump" or something along those lines 😂

chinese grab genetic data to create race/ethnicity-specific WMD?

At around 10:30 minutes scientist says China has forbidden the export of Chinese genetic data but happily vacuums up genetic data from others with the possible intention of creating race/genetics based of weapons mass destruction. Thus made for India delta variant custom-made for maximum impact on us?

china cracks down on didi AFTER big IPO

on data and national security concerns. which suddenly came about after lots of US investors put down their money 😂 figures. 

when will china beat the US? how about, 'maybe never'?

Will China Trap Afghanistan in Its Debt Trap?

Following America's withdrawal, can China ensnare Afghanistan in its Debt Trap? This will be like Xeno's Paradox of the "Irresistible Force vs the Immovable Object". Afghanistan, including a Taliban-dominated one, will happily take whatever Chinese money is offered as part of the Belt-&-Road initiative, but will inevitably fail to deliver any Return on Investment, just as happened for the Soviets and the Americans. But in China's case, they also have a grip on Taliban's father Pakistan, who will be pressed into service to ensure their unruly children Taliban comply. And this will lay the seeds for the next big Afghan debacle, after the Soviet one and the America one.

Monday, July 05, 2021

the end of the gulf boom spells big trouble for kerala

infographic says: (kerala kaumudi, jul 5)

there are 20 lakh total kerala people in the persian gulf
according to NORKA, 14.63 lakh have returned
2.90 lakh because their visas expired
10.45 lakh because they lost their jobs.

96% of those who returned were from uae, qatar, saudi, oman.

NRI deposits in kerala: crores
2018: 186376, 2019: 199781, 2020: 227430

Sunday, July 04, 2021

not so happy a july 4th for the US?

severe heat wave in the pacific northwest.

underwater gas pipe leak caused the ocean to catch fire in the gulf of mexico.

the biden-harris show is beginning to pale a little. 

china continues its assault on the rest of the world unmolested. 

a third or fourth wave of wuhanvirus may be coming. 

is christism incompatible with black people?

let's take a look at history and current affairs. 

first, there was slavery (justified by "sons of shem [ie semites] shall rule over the sons of ham" and enthusiastically supported by the baptist church in the US south) and apartheid (justified similarly by the dutch reformed church in south africa). and now we have BLM. 

second, the genocide of tutsis by hutus in rwanda, for which a bishop and two godwomen were convicted of crimes against humanity.

third, the old christist country of ethiopia is falling apart: eritrea broke off, and now the province of tigray is on the verge of defeating both the ethiopian and eritrean armies. full scale state failure appears likely.

most of black africa was converted from their native religions by either RoL or RoP in the last century. i am not sure it has brought peace and prosperity to any part of africa. 

#deepstate-#soros #regimechange agenda in full cry

1. NYT ad that seems tailor-made for dhume, rana ayyub, aqar patel et al
2. this vague NGO sherpa and unknown website mediapart that keep on alleging rafale corruption. this reminds me of teesta and her NGO that kept on filing the same case again and again until it found a friendly judge
3. twitter humiliating IT minister

chinese bought US media coverage for... peanuts?

h/t @chellaney, this looks like at least one chinese agent was happily doling out goodies to various US newspapers, as well as setting up social media accounts for astroturfing purposes.

happy independence day, america with chinese characteristics!

now imagine how such a report would look like in india. the mind boggles. at least one famous alleged 'india's national newsmagazine' subsists entirely on xinhua doles and subscriptions from JNU. 

Xi Jinping Is Preparing His Nation for War: China Expert

Saturday, July 03, 2021

Quick notes: Aluminium battery | Abhimanyu Mishra...

  • Aluminum Air battery: A drive to reduce dependence on imports, especially from China, is pushing India to invest in a battery technology that uses aluminium rather than lithium as the key ingredient. Indian Oil Corp., the nation’s largest oil refiner, has teamed up with startup Phinergy Ltd. to develop the Israeli company’s aluminium-air battery.

  • Zero-carbon world: Why Mukesh Ambani’s gigafactory for hydrogen could be a game-changer.

  • India's first venture capitalists: The Tata Group is a unique institution because of its expansive philanthropic work and commitment to nation-building, and this has imbued Tata businesses with a special sense of purpose. In addition to creating IISc, Tata Group established the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) in 1945 to promote fundamental scientific research. TIFR became the academic home for dozens of talented scientists who came back to India after independence to contribute to the nation's progress, and it was where India's nuclear program was seeded before being moved to the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre in 1954.

  • Prodigy: Abhimanyu Mishra, 12, becomes youngest grandmaster in chess history

  • Anandaiah's Covid cure: After Andhra, the Anandaiah potion has now gained prominence in Karnataka. The herbal medicine is believed by many to have helped in the cure of Covid infection.

  • Strategic blunder of India's education ministry: Instead of turning our STEM graduates into functioning engineers and scientists, India is turning them into Humanities and Social Sciences people, who can only view society through the lens of the westerner.

breaking news: covaxin phase 3 trial results out: not bad

it seems the results are published on medarxiv. of course we'll wait till they appear in the much-credentialed lancet.

3rd wave: SUTRA model forecast

SUTRA forecast for third wave. please read the whole thread (it's short) there are optimistic, intermediate, and pessimistic scenarios.

musical introduction to yoga

A Powerful Music Video YogDarshan- the story of Yoga - integrating sanskrit/Tamil verses/visuals/singers from Kashmir to Kanyakumari, Ahmedabad to Assam showcasing yoga's imprint in Indian culture for 3000 yrs. h/t kanniks kannikeswaran

Friday, July 02, 2021

Is Being Anti-Modi a Qualification for a Job at NYT?

This paper used to try to project themselves as the paper of record - but they've long ago left that behind, instead becoming a cesspool.

Australians Ponder Their Predicament

As China's Xi becomes more and more bellicose, Australians find themselves uncomfortably vulnerable:

Why do virulent variants appear in black or brown countries?

Ok, except UK. The latest in Peru. Depopulation agenda? 

report on cyberpower. india is in tier 3?

virus-hunter 'theseeker' tells the wuhan tale from the OSINT pov

Xi Jinping: Countries Opposing China Will "Crack Their Heads and Spill Blood"

The more ugly facts emerge about the origin of the COVID19 from the Wuhan lab, the more frightened Xi Jinping gets, fearing that he will lose power. The new sharper & dramatic wording from him is just one  outward sign of his inner angst.

Thursday, July 01, 2021

Genocide: vast murders of native American children in Christian schools

In India they didn't and don't actually kill the children, they just brainwash them. 

Did the Lancet refuse to criticise China?

The medical journal The Lancet may be losing some of its prestige and credibility by having gone out of its way to avoid criticism of China, not only on treatment of Uighurs, but also on the origins of COVID19

UN institutions should cease hostility towards India - The Sunday Guardian Live

Covaxin rolling data to start in July: WHO - Times of India

Celestial "Pac-Man": Astronomers spot massive black holes gobbling up city-sized neutron stars for the first time - CBS News