Wednesday, June 30, 2021

mRNA vaccine link to myocarditis? inventor of the technology wonders

that darn spike protein seems to be detaching itself and instead of confining itself to the region around the vaccine jab, it seems to be running around and attacking all sorts of organs. thus 'long covid'. 

apparently this doesn't happen with a) vector vaccines like covishield, b) dead-virus vaccines like covaxin. it only happens with new-fangled mRNA vaccines like pfizer and moderna.

forget the siren songs of the pfizer or modern mRNA vaccines

after i wrote this, there have been several instances of young people suffering from myocarditis (heart problems) after taking mRNA vaccines, and robert malone, who is considered the inventor of this technique, has also expressed concerns about side-effects. 

india has just approved moderna; no doubt pfizer will also be approved soon.

given that these are potentially harmful to your genetic makeup, apart from which they seem to pose no barrier to the spike protein traveling around the body causing havoc, it seems like a very bad idea to inject young people (ie. those with long lifetimes ahead of them and the possibility of genetic damage) with these things.

twitter gets hit on 'fact-checker' zubair a/c not suspended for stalking minor girl

not news, folks: aftereffects of mRNA vaccines

the side effects and aftereffects of pfizer and moderna have been canceled.

acupuncture, yes, but ayurveda, never, for #wuhanvirus relief

for whatever it's worth, pew research study on religious attitudes in india

pew has been accused of sloppy and ideologically biased (eg pushing christian agendas) in the past, so i'd take this with a pinch of salt. 

One Hundred Years of Genocide and Devastation: the Chinese Communist Party

china demands nobel prize for wuhan lab

i like this guy zhao. speaks english, looks competent, is the ultimate brainwashed nutjob zombie. 

why media et al are trashing covaxin (ps. this is not an anti-vaxx statement)

i am just concerned about the producers of some vaccines. 

Saturday, June 26, 2021

peter daszak, virus creator (not hunter)

long article from the british times. 

daszak seems to have profited enormously by being a middleman. 

tocilizumab costs 80k/dose in cytokine storm; ivermectin costs 10 rs.

impact of #wuhanvirus on the #brain

#warcrime: lifex falls by 2 years in US due to wuhanvirus; much worse for non-whites

this is the kind of thing 👇that has been hidden by the Biden Democrats. my conspiracy theory that the wuhanvirus is intended to wipe out blacks and browns is supported by these numbers. 

remarkable WHO map on longevity: J&K shown as separate country with higher lifex!

no wonder. WHO has been headed by either chinese or their stooges for a long time. but this is the standard white-guy narrative too. they have all decided that balkanization is the answer for india. 

Friday, June 25, 2021

poor john mcafee

Newly identified ancestor of Neanderthals complicates the human story | New Scientist 

Human origins are very complicated, and are being re-written. Except for 'Aryan' invasion bullshit, which is a political project for white supremacy. 

The case for not getting too excited by mRNA miracle vaccines

"These two particular mRNA vaccines may have been the first to get results from Phase 3 clinical trials, but that's because of superior trial management, not secret vaccine sauce" - an interesting and nuanced piece by @hildabast

#bigpharma does what it does best: snowjobs + make obscene profits

Quick notes: Platform monopoly | 5G RAN...

  • USA following India's lead: A House bill called the Ending Platform Monopolies Act would make it illegal for very large platform companies to own certain kinds of related businesses. That implies Amazon could be forced to, say, spin off its private-label products business so that it’s not competing with other sellers on the platform.

    Big Tech targeted by new pack of antitrust bills.. to rein in "unregulated power" they wield.

  • India e-commerce rules cast cloud over Amazon, Walmart: E-commerce firms must ensure none of their related enterprises are listed as sellers on their shopping websites. Amazon holds an indirect stake in two of its top sellers.

    - Rishi Sunak drawn into father-in-law Narayana Murthy Amazon tax dispute.

    - After losing out in China Jeff Bezos has made India the centerpiece of his ambitions.

  • Reliance Jio 5G radio-access network (RAN): Intel to work with India’s Reliance Jio on 5G network tech... Carriers are shifting toward using software to handle more network functions.

  • Bayraktar TB2: How Turkeys Cheap Drones Won 3 Major Wars.

  • RISC-V in HPC and supercomputing: RISC-V evolving to address Supercomputers and AI.

    - Intel showing interest in RISC-V. . . . . end to ARM's mobile monopoly?

    - Ubuntu on RISC-V: Canonical gives RISC-V a HiFive.
    . . open source hardware meets open source software!

  • Atmanirbhar America: U.S. senators propose 25% tax credits for domestic chipmakers.

    - Everyone wants silicon: Intel considering German fab near Munich. Hopes to get some $9.7B in govt subsidies

  • More power to the vernacular: Facebook gives away its largest language database for free.

    - AI could make African languages more accessible with machine translation

  • Chidambara Rahasyam: UPA legacy leaves govt ‘bonded’ to oil PSUs. Under-recoveries of oil companies due to their bearing the subsidy burden on petrol and diesel was converted into ₹1.30-lakh crore oil bonds by the then govt.

  • Plastic pollution: Take-out food is littering the oceans.

  • Nigeria: Twitter promoting Boko Haram

Thursday, June 24, 2021

looks like john mcafee has been bumped off by #deepstate

exactly as he predicted he would be. 

and he's being portrayed as a felon, a tax cheat. 

it's not good for your health to take on the deep state. trump should be happy he's alive. 

But thank goodness, twitter is fine in India


mRNA and heart problems in youth

Not to mention possible genetic issues

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

journalism students note: the worst lead-in in history

"anthony fauci says...."

and immediately 80% of readers tune out and wonder what the latest lie from anthony "pinocchio" fauci is. i see a 'fauci derangement syndrome' developing. 😂

but the ecosystem persists with him. why? i have long believed theeconomist has an 'arrangement' with xinhua to lionize xi jinping and to suppress any news that makes china look bad. 

and also see the earlier tweet of this story: a put down for india. 

also note how all variants in the graphic have a geographic origin, but not the granddaddy, the original wuhan virus. 

why? i think the xinhua contract prohibits theeconomist from saying "wuhan, china".

biden and the New Normal?

Sunday, June 20, 2021

language as a mask of conquest

a long time ago, i wrote two essays about #language as a mask of conquest, and managed to piss off both hindis and tamils. and i think a little differently now, and believe that with real-time machine translation available the time has come to junk english, and go with mother-tongue education. this is in the context of the decision by the jagan govt in AP to, on the contrary, junk telugu and force-feed english. i know why he's doing it, and it's doubly abhorrent as it seeks to deracinate.
in 2000, i got so much pushback from so many that i had to write two more essays to support my thesis: and on the topic.

real-time machine translation can bring the entire knowledge base in the world to students who can hear the lecture in their mother tongues, and read the text translated in it too. there is no reason to study in english medium (and absorb anglo prejudice/baggage) any more.

Saturday, June 19, 2021

us interference abroad. is this for real?

Fwd: Why Has "Ivermectin" Become a Dirty Word?

because it doesn't get money into the pockets of pfizer, gilead and other big pharma. same with HCQ

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Matt Taibbi <>
Date: Sat, Jun 19, 2021 at 2:04 AM
Subject: Why Has "Ivermectin" Become a Dirty Word?

At the worst possible moment, Internet censorship has driven scientific debate itself underground ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌

Why Has "Ivermectin" Become a Dirty Word?

At the worst possible moment, Internet censorship has driven scientific debate itself underground

Matt TaibbiJun 18

On December 8, 2020, when most of America was consumed with what The Guardian called Donald Trump's "desperate, mendacious, frenzied and sometimes farcical" attempt to remain president, the Senate's Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee held a hearing on the "Medical Response to Covid-19." One of the witnesses, a pulmonologist from Milwaukee's St. Luke's Aurora Medical Center named Dr. Pierre Kory, insisted he had great news.

"We have a solution to this crisis," he said unequivocally. "There is a drug that is proving to have a miraculous impact."

Kory, an associate professor at the University of Wisconsin Medical School, was referring to an FDA-approved medicine called ivermectin. A genuine wonder drug in other realms, ivermectin has all but eliminated parasitic diseases like river blindness and elephantiasis, helping discoverer Satoshi Ōmura win the Nobel Prize in 2015. As far as its uses in the pandemic went, however, research was still scant. Could it really be a magic Covid-19 bullet?

Kory had been trying to make such a case, but complained to the Senate that public efforts had been stifled, because "every time we mention ivermectin, we get put in Facebook jail." A Catch-22 seemed to be ensnaring science. With the world desperate for news about an unprecedented disaster, Silicon Valley had essentially decided to disallow discussion of a potential solution — disallow calls for more research and more study — because not enough research and study had been done. Once, people weren't allowed to take drugs before they got FDA approval. Now, they can't talk about them.

"I want to try to be respectful because I think the intention is correct," Kory told the committee. "They want to cut down on misinformation, and many doctors are claiming X, Y, and Z work in this disease. The challenge is, you're also silencing those of us who are expert, reasoned, researched, and extremely knowledgeable."


why kashmiris are throwing stones at health care workers going to vaccinate them

oh right. that's the ticket, not general crankiness on the part of those fueled by ISI.

very nice dissimulation, nytimes!

single most devastating indictment of antonia-maino-raj

they burdened future generations with giant debts.

translation: TSMC thinks the hans will invade

india should somehow get an old TSMC plant (say 50nm) shipped over here. 

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Fwd: BREAKING: China sends first astronauts to maiden space station

and this darn rocket will also fall uncontrollably on someone's head. that seems to be the han modus operandi.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Nikkei Asia <>
Date: Thu, Jun 17, 2021 at 7:17 AM
Subject: BREAKING: China sends first astronauts to maiden space station

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June 17, 2021

China sends first astronauts to maiden space station

SHANGHAI -- China launched a spacecraft on Thursday carrying three astronauts on a mission to begin constructing its maiden space station.
The Shenzhou-12 or "divine vessel" spacecraft left the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in the country's northwestern Gobi Desert at about 9:22 a.m. Beijing time, state broadcaster CCTV reported. It is to rendezvous with the core capsule of the space station, which was launched in April. Read more.

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

biden does a good brezhnev imitation. be afraid. be very afraid. he has the nuke button.

biden promotes pakistani-origin lina khan to chair federal trade commission

nice work, biden. collude with china to develop bioweapons. now use pakistani to destroy big american companies. 

in contrast, trump chose indian american ajit pai to head FCC. pai should have used sec 230 to discipline the big tech types, and i am amazed he didn't in the waning days of trump admin.

twitter spaces jun 16 at 7pm by shiv @bennedose on galwan

foulmouthed batwoman. typical han

batwoman shi zhengli on IITDelhi paper jan 2020 (i paraphrase): "anybody who refers to this so-called paper should shut their stinking mouths". very scientific. IITD, who said HIV was inserted into spike protein, have the last laugh as lab origin/bioweapon seems likely.

shi zhengli's exact words: "The novel 2019 coronavirus is nature punishing the human race for keeping uncivilized living habits. I, Shi Zhengli, swear on my life that it has nothing to do with our laboratory. I advise those who believe and spread rumors from harmful media sources, as well as those who believe the unreliable so-called academic analysis of Indian scholars, to shut their stinking mouths." shi zhengli, feb 2020

brooks/bhagat report on 1962? publish it in full, GoI

nobody asks questions about 1962. why isn't the GoI publishing the hendersonbrooks/bhagat report in full, that indicts the INC leadership for utter incompetence?understand congress not exposing its idols, but why is BJP reluctant? redact if need be, extracts already circulating.

here's purportedly the link to volume 1 of the #hendersonbrooksbhagat report. why isn't the whole thing (there's volume 2) published with suitable censoring of sensitive military information? after 60 years, we deserve to know.

mughal is actually 'gurkaniya timurid'. much less glamorous, no?

we should stop referring to the turks as 'mughals' (a brit-invented term, just like "swastika = hakenkreuz"). the correct term, which they themselves used, is 'gurkaniya timurid'. that sounds like something the cat dragged in. not very posh. h/t

end game for twitter?

after ignoring repeated govt orders, twitter now finds it has lost the safe-harbor provision of being just a communication channel. 

this means anybody can sue them based on any content they post.

but will anybody? that's the question. 

it would have been much better for the GoI to pull the plug on them by suspending their license to ply their business in india. india is a big chunk of its business, so the shareholders will not be pleased. suspended, they could then at leisure do whatever it takes to obey indian law. 

btw, they are only the 16th largest social media platform in the world based on subscribers/active users, which iirc is only about 350 million. i bet 100 million are in india. 

Friday, June 11, 2021

Quick notes: Turncoats | Cyclone detection...

  • Kaangress-like: Turncoats, internal feuds, centralized control -- BJP starting to resemble Kaangress.

  • Early cyclone detection: Indian scientists develop new technique that can detect tropical cyclones earlier than satellites!

    Prior to the formation of a cyclonic system over the warm oceanic environment, the initial atmospheric instability mechanism, as well as the vortex development, is triggered at higher atmospheric levels. The method developed by the scientists aims to identify initial traces of pre-cyclonic eddy vortices in the atmospheric column and track its Spatio-temporal evolution.

  • Light and lightness: Sleeping and waking one hour earlier cuts risk of depression.. “Keep your days bright and your nights dark. Have your morning coffee on the porch. Walk or ride your bike to work if you can, and dim those electronics in the evening.”

  • Agrisolar: Solar farms could double as pollinator food supplies. In rural areas, an increase in pollinators can be beneficial to crops.

  • iOS15: China exempt from Apple 'private relay' privacy feature . . . . . . . . Big Tech is all woke if we are lenient.. grovels if we act tough!

  • Ladakh: 'Be ready with boots, bricks, bandobast'.. Chinese troops are not very far from the LAC -- 150-200KM. They can return to their previous positions in about 4-5 hours.

  • 2-DG price: The final pricing of the 2-DG COVID-19 drug, touted as an “affordable” option, has left much to be desired with Dr Reddys announcing a steep Rs 990 per sachet.

  • Covid Vaccine IP: How Big Pharma lobbied against India.. Lobby groups advocated not removing India from USTR priority watch list.

  • Mosquito hack cuts dengue by 77%: The trial used mosquitoes infected with Wolbachia bacteria. The bacteria make it much harder for dengue virus to replicate, so the mosquito is less likely to cause an infection.

  • Vegan advantage: A plant-based diet may lower severity of COVID-19 infection by 73%.. Those who reported eating a low carb-high protein diet had nearly four times the odds of having a moderate to severe infection.

  • Kerala Model: Go to Bangalore (GTB) model