Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Pakistan beyond Musharraf

Part II of Shourie's analysis about the real troubles in Pakistan and their real dimensions. Someone said tellingly that there were no candle-lighters in Wagah this Diwali - I guess even the Secularists could not be so brazen. He is right about India being screwed - does not matter who is in charge / or not in charge of Pakistan

The part about Iran now funding Taliban is new, though I think that is going to be true only as long as NATO remains in Afghanistan. However, it does put the Iranians on our wrong side.


KapiDhwaja said...

Someone said tellingly that there were no candle-lighters in Wagah this Diwali

Maybe they moved to the Bangladesh border this year?

witan said...

The Road From Washington to Karachi to Nuclear Anarchy
“.... the Pakistan of Pervez Musharraf has, by now, become a one-country inventory of all the major forms of the nuclear danger.
Iraq did not have nuclear weapons; Pakistan did. In 1998, it had conducted a series of five nuclear tests in response to five tests by India, with whom it had fought three conventional wars since its independence in 1947. The danger of interstate nuclear war between the two nations is perhaps higher than anywhere else in the world.
Both Iraq and Pakistan were dictatorships (though the Iraqi government was incomparably more brutal).
Iraq did not harbor terrorists; Pakistan did, and does so even more today....”