Thursday, November 22, 2007

on the esteemed, or is it eminent, economist

nov 21st, 2007

in my general wanderings around the net, i came across this:

"the economist, putting the 's' backing in 'limey'".

ROTFL. touche. and ouch!

i have known a bunch of brit guys living in the us. invariably pompous asses and complete jerks. although brit women are often quite nice. and no, they don't read shakespeare for fun although that's what yanks think they do. many of them are yobs.

remember what the guy in the russian paper posted here earlier said, something about how the economist has a bunch of kids (in their 20's) writing like they were old men. true -- have you seen any of their photos? callow is hardly the word for it.

although i have to say simon long was unfailing polite in his responses to personal mail. actually james 'we like pakistanis, not those prickly nationalist indians' astill, too.

can't blame these foreign correspondent types wholly. they probably spend their entire time in india surrounded by JNU people and the ELM, so they naturally get a very poor idea of what's going on.

what will happen, though, is that as india's ability to pay, and buy, increases, they will get increasingly craven towards india. as they have demonstrated towards china. they know where their bread is buttered.

after all, a nation of shopkeepers. what can you expect from them?

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