Friday, November 30, 2007

India Appeases Radical Islam - Wall Street Journal

nov 29th, 2007

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From: secular

Hits it on the nail.  Interestingly secular India was the first country to ban Salman Rushdie's "The Satanic Verses" to appease its Muslim minorities. Secularism in India has come to mean pandering to minority demands. The message is: to protect democracy and secularism, stand up to Radical Islam, not bow down to it.  

India Appeases Radical Islam
By SADANAND DHUME, November 27, 2007; Page A18

Friday's multiple bomb blasts in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh — which killed 13 people and injured about 80 — ought to give pause to those who see the world's largest democracy as a linchpin in the war on terror. India's leaders and diplomats seek to portray the country as a firebreak against radical Islam, or the drive to impose the medieval Arab norms enshrined in Shariah law on 21st century life. In reality, India is ill- equipped to fight this scourge.

Full article

1 comment:

karyakarta92 said...

Oh, come on - the radicalism is all caused by
"poverty" and "illiteracy"
- don't you know that? The damn Hindoos , the cunning Brahmins in particular must be responsible for keeping them "poor" and "unlettered", right? Right?