Sunday, November 04, 2007

Alliance with the US in a World of ’Civilisation’-based Alignment

Interesting article. The author postulates that in this era of clash of civilisations
'the most important ingredient of a civilisation is its religion', which is why the core constituency of the Atlanticist establishment will be more likely to encourage christist secessionism in India's North eastern states. All the while bleating "persecution" of Mohammedans in Kashmir by Hindu India as well as the Orthodox Slavs in Bosnia/Kosovo and Chechnya to cloak their own wars with Mohammedans elsewhere. This is where the activism by christist padres for the demonisation of Narendra Modi and Gujarat fits in. Kashmir is relatively quiet because most Mohammedan goals - irreversible ethnic cleansing of the Hindu minority, imposition of Sharia law, demoralisation of Indian security forces, depleted sovereignty of the Indian Union, parasitic existence at Indian taxpayers' expense etc have been achieved. Therefore, a new front has to be opened A) to satiate Mohammedan blood lust B) to provide the Atlanticists a stick to beat India with. The secular dhimmi and Indian christist activism is just an ancillary unit, a spin off from the main project to contain India. The revocation of Narendra Modi's visa and the U.S State department's pompous posturing in this regard need to be seen in this perspective. Vladimir Putin can call the Atlanticist bluff by criticising their track record on Iraq, "Palestine" etc and fingering them on Iran. Even the Chinese use this tactic successfully. But, India does not have this option due to historic and demographic reasons, i.e. compulsive pandering to global Islamism by Nehruvian Stalinists is just cutting your nose to spite your face. This puts India in a lose lose situation.

1 comment:

nizhal yoddha said...

in toynbee's monumental study of history, he argues cogently that what a civilization leaves as its legacy is its religion (he calls it 'church'). when the civilization does its S-curve thing and dies, it leaves the religion alive, and a new civilization springs up with its basis in the religion. very interesting theory, and he provides a lot of examples.

of course, christism is expecting to be the only religion left standing for all time. thus, when its european base is getting lost, it needs to find others, fresh blood, to feed on to survive. sort of a dracula syndrome.