Sunday, September 09, 2007

Seizing India, with some help from Hindus - by Dr. Gautam Sen

sept 8th, 2007

gautam is a bit harsh, but he does have a point.

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From: Sriram

Seizing India, with some help from Hindus - by Dr. Gautam Sen PDF Print E-mail

All the debates about Indian history, the politics of contemporary India and the grossly misleading depiction of Hinduism by the media are irrelevant. These disputes are only a part of the relentless warfare being waged against Hindus by powerful enemies seeking to subjugate them. The abuse and calumny hurled at Hindus is merely for propaganda purposes and there is nothing to be gained by pained protest concerning fairness and explaining the truth. The real goal is the subjugation of Hindus and everything else represents subsidiary gratuitous violence. The world is a pitiless place that has no respect for the weak. And Hindus are weak, retreating on virtually all fronts. Yet the mere mention of militant resistance prompts Hindus to shrink in fright, indeed some descending to self-righteous profanities against all thoughts of resistance to evil enjoined by their very own holiest text!

Islam, Christianity and Hindu renegades are hell bent on extirpating Hinduism. This is an imperative injunction for Islam and Christianity, a necessity for them both to destroy idolaters through conversion or death in order to vindicate their own religious imperialism. Every supposedly patriotic Indian Muslim would instantly exchange the Caliphate and their own imperial rule over Hindus to the secularism that has institutionalised extraordinary privileges for them. Christians too look forward to the conversion of India to the true faith and have no sympathy whatsoever for Hinduism. The blatant opportunism of the latter, as exemplified by the Christian overlords of Delhi's premier college, in seeking to crush Hindus under India's contemporary Christian political dispensation makes them the most dangerous enemy of Hindus. Hindu renegades themselves are mainly greedy for money and the gratification of personal status aspirations since defiling Hinduism now guarantees reward from the dominant Islamic and Christian faiths that enjoy effective primacy today.

The current divisions within Hindu society echo the fragmented character of historical Hindu societies, reaching back to a distant past in the prelude to the eighth-century Islamic invasions. The chaotic pluralism and individualism of Hindus, though circumscribed within family and community identities, make them profoundly vulnerable to better-organised political rivals. It is this organisational advantage that allowed Islam and Christianity to successively enslave Hindus. They are poised to do so again. Of course one key element now holding India together, almost inadvertently, is its enhanced military prowess. The earlier asymmetry of military capability was a crucial reason for the original defeat of Hindu kingdoms by Islamic invaders since the latter had become socialised as a formidable war-fighting brotherhood over a prolonged period. A similar disparity enabled the conquest of India by Britain, which combined military superiority with organisational and psychological advantages in an audacious assault. Small numbers of British marauders manage to replace oppressive and lascivious Islamic rule through the simple expedient of chicanery.

Nevertheless, the outright conquest of India in the battlefield has become problematic in the modern era because the Hindu natives are likely to resist a direct assault. They undoubtedly also possess the means to make such a foreign conquest costly. The genocidal war being waged against Iraq and its people by the Anglo-American imperialists is therefore unlikely to occur in India. But the artfully simple infiltration by 'experts' that almost destroyed Russia by stealth, courtesy Mikhail Gorbachev and Boris Yeltsin is very much in prospect. Seizure of India's sovereign authority by means of political manoeuvre is in fact already proving deceptively easy. One by one the institutions of the Indian state and society are being captured and subverted. Of course infiltration by foreign agents is nothing new. It needs to be remembered that the American CIA facilitated the split within the communist movement in West Bengal in the 1960s that spawned the Naxalite revolt. The purpose was to destabilise the CPI (M) because it was poised for electoral victory. The resulting civil war within the communist movement severely damaged the cadre base of the CPI (M) by 1972. The same Naxalites today echo the views and aspirations of Pakistan's ISI, itself a subsidiary of the American CIA.

The incumbent government of India itself is being run indirectly by a group of four or five Christians and the highest judiciary has recently shown itself to be the creature of their political diktat. It effectively ratified the neutralisation of the only institution apparently standing in the way of the exercise of untrammelled political power by approving the UPA candidate as President though she is virtually the housemaid of a foreign au pair. And much of the Indian media and many of India's political parties are already operating at the behest of foreign interests, judging by their determination to foist a thoroughly compromised nonentity as President on India. As an aside, it may be noted that there are grounds for suspecting that one self-declared Hindu Swami, who enjoys frequent exposure on a Christian-owned New Delhi news channel, is probably a covert Christian himself. This fraudulent religious figures constantly refers to Swami Vivekananda and Mahatma Gandhi while opposing everything they actually believed in practice. The political party claiming to represent Hindu interests has turned out to be their worst enemy, pre-empting and subverting protest by them for reasons that demand the closest scrutiny. Once again, Hindu thirst of petty, immediate personal gains as well as complete lack of foresight is leading India towards calamity.

The only question is how to fight the devilish conspiracy to cast Hindus to the wind. One must begin without sentimentality and ruthless intellectual clarity. Political action must be taken locally on specific issues. The national dimension should take the form of loose co-ordination. However, the defence of Hindu places of worship can be addressed on a wider scale through the national organisational efforts that have already come into existence. The behaviour of the national media over Pratibha Patil's candidacy for President underlines again the need for alternative channels of communication since the foreign-owned national media shamelessly sought to kill the unfolding evidence of her misconduct. The one national paper that could represent an effective alternative platform also has its own compulsions since it's a personal fiefdom rather than a genuinely nationalist public forum. In the final analysis, Hindus must consider militant action to paralyse the murderous political forces active against them. It might almost be argued that official authority in India is displaying such virulent hostility towards Hindu interests that they and US-Pakistani-backed terrorism against Hindus constitute a single seamless web. Do any grounds remain for Hindus to consider their country an independent nation in which they can live in peace? India no longer belongs to them though many Hindus themselves are complicit in assisting the rapid erosion of its independence and Hindu religious identity.

Unfortunately, the shockingly weak Hindu response highlights many of the symptoms exhibited by those that have suffered successive catastrophic defeats. Every Hindu one encounters apparently feels qualified to pronounce authoritatively on all issues and harbours a child-like desire to occupy leadership positions. Many talk utter nonsense, but often enjoy organisational patronage that enables them to continue with their merry absurdities. Yet others are determined to thrust themselves forward into the limelight, anxious to stymie anyone regarded as a rival for the public attention they earnestly crave for themselves alone. And some individuals active within the Hindu movement, often holding significant positions, are undoubtedly foreign agents that have been planted to spy and disrupt. The experience of Hindu organisations in the US and the UK, led by untutored professionals, is also deeply dispiriting. Almost none are familiar with the foundational writings of major Hindu writers or relevant historical knowledge and apt to repeat tired clichés as profound truths they have discovered. Personal gratification seems all rather than cold prosecution of clear-sighted goals. The consequences of such endemic failures constitute the 'enemy within'.


Vivek said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hindusingam said...

Interesting article.

kp11 said...

It is not just renegade Hindus who are apathetic and actively hostile to Hinduism. It is all educated, uneducated, rich, poor, atheist, devout, early morning and late night worhsippers who hold some hidden hostility and shame about Hinduism. I have a colleague who has a Ganesha idol at his workplace and starts and ends the day paying respects to it. But he thinks Ramayana and Mahabharata are tall tales written without any rhyme or reason, and all Hindu symbols are meaningless. There are many othere who regularly visit temples and bow to Gods, but are ashamed at any public issue related to Hinduism, such as the tilak episode mentioned in the last post. There are many more Hindus whose heart is overflowing with love for other religions for no apparent reason. There are any number of devout Hindus timers who I am sure, won't hesitate to raze down a temple for the slightest gain.

Why this is so, is one of the unexplained mysteries of the universe.

Harish said...

Yes 'ab' u r spot on man..
The shame of being a 'Hindu' is a common manifestation amongst Hindus across the world..

A very intresting (and nauseating) tendency i have found amongst Indians in the west is to attribute the greatness of Hinduism (a.k.a) India's finest inventions,(e.g yoga, ayurveda, Indian classical music) as some kind of 'global' thing..

There is no sense of ownership or pride over native knowledge and belief systems.. Such attitudes make it so easy for the West to claim ownesrhip to such ancient knowledge systems as Indians look down upon their own knowledge..Generations of 'secular' education has taken a heavy toll on Indians.....

ybr (alias ybrao a donkey) said...

It is not clear why you have deleted the comment of Shri Vivek Gumaste (Comment No. 1). You may disagree with him. But why gag him?

Now, pl. tell why BJP proposed a Muslim candidate Nazma Heptulla for Vice Presidency in spite of her being just a turn-coat?
Even BJP is interested in Muslim votes. Pl. do not be surprised if RSS supports Ms. Sonia Gandhi in future! How Brahmins combined with Mayawati to occupy seats of power!

Then why should we blame secularism? Secularism would have given greater rights and security to Hindus than they currently enjoy.

Pl. do not blame those who want to reform Hinduism. If we fail to reform we become weak. Every reform should aim at and help us in becoming strong.

nizhal yoddha said...

for the record, the moderators didn't delete vivek gumaste's comment. he deleted it himself. see, "post removed by author"

ramesh said...

the author is maybe harsh but this unfortunately is the sad reality. right down the ages invaders have always received assistance from certain Indians in fighting against Indians. whether it was ambhi of taxila or jaychand of kanuaj, or the rajput cheiftan who went over the mughal side prior to the crucial battle between sanga & babur & so on, India's history is full of betrayals. If u read Todds masterpiece on rajputs, in the foreword Todd dedicates the book ot a rajput cheiftan who according to him saved the british empire. And now of course we have the commies, the secularits, the kangress party, outfits like ULFA, & so on & so forth